Daily Archives: December 1, 2019

High Flying John Kerry Recruits Big Wigs For His “World War Zero” Climate Scam

It’s funny how you get all these rich and powerful folks whose carbon footprints are massive attempting to tell Other People how to live their lives. Well, not really tell so much as get government to apply force. This is one of the major points that changed me from a warmist to a Skeptic John […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat floating on a flooded world, you might be a Warmist The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with today’s Larwyn’s Links. Still cleaning out the folder.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another awesome day in America. Getting some much needed rain, set up a new fish tank (the old one was gorgeous, all glass, but, was a nightmare to keep clean for just 6.3 gallons. Tons of algea buildup), and December is here. This pinup is by Vaugan Bass, with a wee bit of […]

USA Today: Swimming In Underwear Teaches You About Donald Trump And Getting Away With It Or Something

Trump Derangement Syndrome abounds. First we had the idiot Newsweek reporter and her story of how Trump was going to spend Thanksgiving golfing, tweeting, and more, which was clearly a huge bit of TDS. Then, of course, Trump went to Afghanistan to visit the troops. Not sure the reporter, or, is that, “reporter”, should have […]

Pirate's Cove