Politico’s Kelsey Snell should read a different article on Politico about Sharyl Attkinson, who has been one of the few reporters willing to engage in Journalism, rather than hero worship like most of the rest of the media, and investigate the IRS scandal. Anyhow
In the two weeks since the news surfaced that the Internal Revenue Service wrongly targeted conservative groups applying for a tax exemption, the debacle has unfolded at a breathless pace — complete with resignations, three congressional hearings and the transformation of civil servants into household names.
Lois Lerner, the embattled IRS official, provided many of the more bizarre twists and turns by defiantly proclaiming her innocence at a congressional hearing before invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and ultimately rejecting a request from her new boss to step down.
But now the flood of scandal news is poised to slow dramatically.
Perhaps Kelsey could use those skills obtained in journalism school and investigate. However, after saying the flood of news (which is given scant coverage on most of the major media news outlets), we learn
The GOP — and many Democrats — insist the investigation is only getting started. But where can the saga go from here?
There will be serious investigation by Congress of Lois Lerner. She could be dragged back to the House to testify regarding her opening statement and that she signed off many of the targeting documents to Conservative groups.
There will be more hearings involving others.
Resignations, and perhaps prosecutions, will be coming.
There are document dumps coming.
And talk of reforming the IRS will most likely be coming, especially in light of how the IRS is the enforcement agency for ObamaCare.
So, altogether, it looks like this flood will not slow down.

“…willing to engage in Journalism, rather than hero worship…” great words that sum up the mainstream media.
What fear I have is what else is the USG doing that we don’t know about? I mean there is no protection for whistleblowers when there should be some protection for them in protecting Americans.
Met an old Vietnam veteran (65) who is walking across America in support of the U.S. Constitution & our freedoms.
It’s amazing that there are old veterans still taking a stand for in defense of our freedoms especially on this day.
He started in San Diego & will finish in D.C. Cool!! I supported him cause he’s passing out pamphlets of the U.S. Constitution.
Lois Lerner who the the former Head of the Tax Exempt Division was appointed to her post in 2006 by Bush. Her husband’s law firm is a BIG contributor to the GOP. Obviously Obama himself is to blame.
So, john, you think that because she was, if it is correct, hired to that position under the Bush admin, that means she should get a pass on her invasive and illegal actions?
Why would you be willing to allow illegal activities like this john? do you hate people that much? I bet you are ok with illegal home invasions by cops too.
Sharyl better get a real good tax attorney real soon. I bet she’s gonna get a few visits by the IRS, FBI, ATF, and OSHA.
We keep telling john this which shows that he isn’t interested in the truth.
Lerner was first appointed to a government post by Clinton. She got into trouble there and made a lateral move to the IRS.
Her husband’s company gave money to both Republicans and Democrats.
And yes john to some extent it is Obama’s fault. It is he who created the atmosphere where supposedly apolitical employees targeted conservative groups. He was the one that railed against the Citizen United decision. He was the one that spoke against the Tea Parties. He was the one that ramped up the rhetoric to a toxic level.
Yeah, to some extent it is his fault because it happened on his watch and a good leader would accept that responsibility.
Obviously, he doesn’t.
Most people think what happened was wrong, john. This isn’t a partisan issue. This, unlike a lot of scandals, is a direct attack on the freedoms of the American people.
If a Republican president was in the White House, I and others would be just as outraged. The fact that you aren’t outraged at this says a great deal to your integrity and devotion to the country.
It might be time for you to test the immigration policies of other countries.
Audits of nosy Senators?
Just a guess.