Heartache for Warmists. Though, he does find a way to blame things for blocking all the massive temperature increase that the computer models (snicker) say should be occurring. He has his talking points down pat
(UK Telegraph) The peer, who first warned the Government of the cost of climate change in his 2006 Stern Report, said that for the last decade global warming has remained stable.
“I note this last decade or so has been fairly flat,†he told the Telegraph Hay Festival audience.
He said the reasons were because of quieter solar activity, aerosol pollution in certain parts of the world blocking sunshine and heat being absorbed by the deep oceans.
Lord Stern pointed out that all these effects run in cycles or are random so warming could accelerate again soon.
It couldn’t possibly be that the Sun controls the vast majority of climate, could it, Lord Stern? Instead of this “missing heat ending up in the deep oceans where we can’t measure it” trope? Take heart, Warmists, because he does think that the world temperature will rise around 4C, and that the Government should spend oodles of taxpayer money and put in all sorts of regulations which give government more power.
Interestingly, the cycles he yammers on about tend to prove non-anthropogenic causation.

Yep… totally man’s fault.
Yeah, cuz the world has absolutely nothing to do with natural production of aerosol particles.
Also, aerosol particles have nothing to do with longwave radiation and its warming of deep ocean waters. Hey doofus Stern, if you can’t measure something (deep ocean temps), then don’t claim to know what’s going on.
Oh, and btw mr stern, there hasn’t been any statistical warming in the last 15-17 years, depending on which report you read. Dude, that’s almost 2 decades.
well of course the Sun is the main factor, BUT as Lord Stern has pointed out we have just gone through a cycle of low Sun activity. During this period we DID have the hottest year on record 2010 and we DID have record breaking heat in the contiguous USA in nthe summer last year. And we also had new records set almost yearly for smallest summer ice extent in the arctic. Coldists who predicted global cooling in 2012 were sad.
john, why do you lie so much?
You know what you say is not true, yet you continue to spew lies like the CO2 your breathe out. Every sentence was a lie and those who know how to read, listen, and study know it.