It’s a good thing we have people to tell us these things
CLIMATE change was supposed to be ”the greatest moral challenge of our time”, as the former prime minister Kevin Rudd put it, but it was pigeon excrement that caused headaches for Nigel Jamieson.
Inspired by the 2009 Copenhagen climate change conference, Jamieson’s As The World Tipped features a stage that slowly becomes vertical, leaving performers hanging in the air.
Floods, famine and drought will be screened on the vertical stage as actors perform aerial theatrics in the show, which will play at Sydney Festival’s first night next Saturday and at the Parra Opening Party on January 14.
Jamieson said the spectacle of harassed bureaucrats failing to notice as the world around them slides towards disaster ”seemed the perfect metaphor” for the climate change debate.
If only there was something these folks could do in their own lives to reduce their carbon footprints……

We have got to get someone to assess how much carbon got burned in putting this extravagant nonsense together. From flying the artists in to trucking in the equipment to setup, lightshows, power consumption, food for the artists, etc.
Yeah, but it’s OK for them to be big carbonistas, since they are doing it for a good cause, like Al Gore! You, on the other hand, must have your lifestyle reduced by government decree.
Ah, it’s Aussie artsy-fartsy types. Not even the other brain-dead Aussie bolshies pay any attention to those wankers.