Apparently, the only people covering the hearing was HuffPost Green. After a lot of yammering we end with
During the Q&A session that followed the presentations, talk turned to the role of humans in global warming, and it became pretty clear that Muller remains a skeptic on that front. Here again I was somewhat rankled when he brought forth red herrings like sunspots even though data clearly show that they cannot have been the cause. This time the rankling got the better of me and I challenged his red herrings, perhaps sounding a short, discordant note in the scientific trio.
So, sunposts are a “red herring”? And the Warmists call us “anti-science”?
I’m skeptical that the briefing lived up to its name — “An End of Climate Change Skepticism” — but I’d have to say in the end the event was rather anticlimactic. Perhaps the writing was on the wall from the outset. As we filed into the Longworth House Office Building, we entered a meeting room that looks like what you’ve seen on TV — seats for members of Congress arranged in a U-shape around the elevated dais, the lowly speakers’ table facing our representatives, and behind us ample seating for the 40 or so attendees who watched, including legislative aides, people from non-governmental organizations, and members of the media with cameras a-flashing.
Yes, all the trappings of a high-powered Congressional event with one glaring exception: Seated in the 25 or so chairs along the dais dedicated for our esteemed leaders in Congress were just two representatives, Waxman and Markey. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a Congressional resolution marking the end of climate skepticism — or the beginning of major climate legislation — any time soon.
Bummer. Virtually no one cares about the failed cult of Gore anymore, but, that’s what happens when you hold a hearing in a room that will release lots of CO2, yet call solar activity, the primary driver of climate for the life of the Earth, a “red herring.”

Some institutionalization may be required.
And, while we’re at it, we’ll pull a Clockwork Orange, only, we’ll use 2nd grade science.
Even the progressive democrats realize that AGW is nothing but an extortion attempt that will destroy world economies.
Even they get it.
That’s true, Word. Look at what Grist wrote about AGW from a post earlier this same day.