Fortunately, it’s just in the “throw it against the wall and see if it stick” phase
(Pasadena Sun) An activist who helped expand the Occupy Wall Street movement to Los Angeles is setting his sights on new territory: Pasadena’s iconic Rose Parade.
“Everything is not coming up roses,†said Peter Thottam, an Occupy L.A. organizer who has launched to call for an economic justice rally at the Jan. 2, 2012, celebration. The Rose Parade is expected to draw nearly a million spectators to Pasadena streets as well as tens of millions of TV viewers around the world.
“The America that’s existed during the bulk of Rose Parades has really been torn apart over the last three years by the unemployment problem, wealth polarization and the middle class shrinking,†Thottam said.
And, exactly what would this accomplish, Pete? You obviously have a serious problem with the policies of the people who have been in charge of the White House and Senate over the last 3 years, and the people who held the House from 2009 till the end of 2010. Why ruin the parade for everyone else? Oh, because some Big Companies, including banks and financial institutions, sponsor floats? Places that employ lots of people and help make people money. Perhaps Pete could explain more
Why the Rose Parade? Simple. The Rose Parade has become far too militarized (see, for example, this coming year’s Jan 2012 Grand Marshall, J.R. Martinez– an Iraq war soldier) and far too corporatized with major banks & financial institutions increasingly undwriting many of the floats. Tens of thousands will converge to protest the complete breakdown of U.S. Justice & Wall Street’s revolving door and the takeover of America’s political & economic systems. I.e., the takeover of public spaces & events throughout the country such as the Pasadena Rose Parade.
Funny, I remember some Lefties proclaiming this is a movement which encompasses left, right, and center. Yet, everything is a typical left wing talking point. Pete has a whopper of a problem with an Iraq war veteran who was wounded while serving his country. A man who should be an inspiration for his life story and his unwillingness to quit.
The system simply does not work and is illusory. Americans are distracted and lied to, daily. The pyramid-top U.S. Congress is entirely brought & paid for. Enough. No more. We ask that people, governments, & businesses everywhere BOYCOTT :
(1) Bank of America; (2) Citibank; (3) Goldman Sachs; & (4) Chase.
This is why these people are complete morons: Pete writes about the “pyramid-top U.S. Congress”, but says to go after four financial institutions, not Congress. And he doesn’t even mention how much money Obama has taken from “Wall Street.” I’d bet Pete will vote for Obama in 2012.
Fortunately, few of his comrades aren’t buying into this absurd plan. Yet.

well, when you don’t own the media (like the 1%)you have to get attention how you can. Also, voting in new puppets into the bought and paid for system accomplishes very little. That is why the special interest groups who really run the show need to be pointed out and protested against. People need to know who really is pulling the strings. Make that clear, then look for representative that come with no strings attached.
“You obviously have a serious problem with the policies of the people who have been in charge of the White House and Senate over the last 3 years, and the people who held the House from 2009 till the end of 2010.”
Funny you seem to have forgotten the 8 years prior to that. I seem to remember some other guy ruining things from 2001 to the beginning of 2009. And his party (Gosh which one was it) controlled the house and senate from 2003 – 2006. Man, what what his name? Hmmm. I guess it’s slipping both of our minds. I do remember that prior to him taking office we were in a surplus. Then what ever his name was created tax cuts for the wealthy. Oh, and got us into wars based on lies, and completely tanked the economy. What was his name? Darn, I just can’t remember. But I’m sure you’re right. It’s all Obama’s fault. The country has only gone down hill because of Obama. Clearly the actions of past presidents had NO impact on the current situation at all.
Oh, What was his name? This is killing me. It must be frustrating for you as well. I mean to completely forget about someone you probably voted for 2 times. I know I’m to young for Alzheimer’s, but maybe you should get your self checked.
Wake up, the person who is proposing the Occupy Rose Bowl thing specifically mentions the last 3 years. Doesn’t mention the Bush years, but, funny how the economy went to shit when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007.
“The America that’s existed during the bulk of Rose Parades has really been torn apart over the last three years by the unemployment problem, wealth polarization and the middle class shrinking.†I agree with Mr. Thottam statement. Yep about three years ago America began to be fundamentally transformed. Now who said they were going to do exactly that? Perhaps his protest should be directed towards President Obama and his administration. After all they are the ones responsible for tearing apart the America he once so loved.
The uniter….obama…since he took office its been nothing but hating on every thing all day/ all night/ all the time.
America SUCKS screams the progressives….and the MAIN STREAM MEDIA shouted AAMMEENNNNNNN!…..praise Obama.
That is why the special interest groups who really run the show need to be pointed out and protested against.
I find this almost comical as the OWS group griping about special interest groups are receiving tons of money from SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS to keep the protest alive.
How very hypocritical they are if they believe they are protesting special interests when they are nothing more then pawns for other special interests.
Gotta love the pure stupidity of people who gripe about special interests while they cash their check from MOVEON.OGR
funny how the economy went to shit when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007
What is the absolute FIRST thing the Democrats did in 2007 when they took over congress?
Another first today: Representative Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat became the first Muslim in Congress. House Democrats pledge sweeping action in their first 100 hours on the job: Votes on ethics reform, a minimum wage increase, and an expansion in stem cell research — issues that won them control. Now in the minority, GOP leaders say they’re willing to work with the opposition, but are keeping a watchful eye.
and with that rise in minimum wage and the escalating out of sight rise in gasoline prices….the economy went in the toilet and what did the democrats do to respond to the economy……….??????
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 — After four days of emotional debate over the extent of presidential powers in wartime and the proper role of Congress, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution today denouncing President Bush’s plan to send more American troops to Iraq…..
In other words the Democrats were not focused on the economy…they could care less about the economy….they
the White House….to complete all 3 legs of their power stool….a tanking economy and the unpopular war would destroy the gop and it did……..
Special interests?…..yeah the OWS needs to be protesting OBAMA and the democrats….not wall street…hell wall street OWNS the democrats.
Awake must be asleep, but lets not wake them up yet.