OK, quit pickin’ on Teach ya all. Damn he tries his best to give us nice looky looky
nooky eye candy. Diseases? There is a grill there and nothing a high temp grilling won’t cure.
I am not sure about the heat destroying bugs. I would assume that she has a whole, new ecosystem cooking in those parts and I would not get in the same room.
And yeah, Teach, I have to deduct a few points for the “chic” being a Kardy. Also, you can’t believe the picture. Can one really see her cooking out on a propane grill?!?! She has her cook do it while she parties with the kiss-assers.
Thus, she prolly would spend about $50,000 to cook a few burgers and think nothing of it. Swimsuit itself prolly costs my yearly salary.
Seriously tho, what has she really done??!?
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “So besides setting the stage for ignoring court orders, King Donnie, flying to the Super Bowl on taxpayers’ dime, hinted…” Feb 10, 08:46
Doom and Gloom on If All You See…: ““I don’t understand why one would fire individuals whose mission it is to root out waste, fraud and abuse,” Collins…” Feb 10, 08:31
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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Is that the Kardasian woman? If so, she probably has more disease than any potential global warming.
Yeah, it is. Blame Captainfish, for giving me the idea of using evil barbecue grills.
This was one of the first I found, and, wasn’t super huge. Was posting it all with iPhone, so….
OK, quit pickin’ on Teach ya all. Damn he tries his best to give us nice looky looky
nooky eye candy. Diseases? There is a grill there and nothing a high temp grilling won’t cure.
Teach, I am going to help ya out here:
From crazy Kenny Lane’s site. I think he might be a bit crazier than I am. ENJOY!
I do so like pink!
I am not sure about the heat destroying bugs. I would assume that she has a whole, new ecosystem cooking in those parts and I would not get in the same room.
ooooooooo is right Patriot!!!
And yeah, Teach, I have to deduct a few points for the “chic” being a Kardy. Also, you can’t believe the picture. Can one really see her cooking out on a propane grill?!?! She has her cook do it while she parties with the kiss-assers.
Thus, she prolly would spend about $50,000 to cook a few burgers and think nothing of it. Swimsuit itself prolly costs my yearly salary.
Seriously tho, what has she really done??!?
Still your fault :D
You people are sooo bruttal. Almost brings tears to my eyes.
Still a nice pic, Teach. Kardasibitch or not, still not bad.