And lots more in the report. Via Fox News
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration failed to set up an “effective” communications system during last year’s BP oil spill and threatened its own credibility by “severely restricting” the release of “timely, accurate information,” according to a newly released report commissioned by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Quietly posted on the Coast Guard’s website two weeks ago, the report offers the first major assessment of the federal government’s communications efforts during the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
“Several layers of review and approval by the White House and (Department of Homeland Security) prevented timely and effective crisis communications and hindered the Coast Guard’s ability to … (keep) stakeholders informed about the status of the response,” the report reads, adding that “accurate and timely messaging from the response organization improves transparency with the public.”
I’m shocked, shocked to learn that Team Obama’s communication was not timely and was restrictive.

How’s that “most transparent administration ever” working out, eh?
Here you have the GOVERNMENT running stuff…FF’ing it up and then finally calling in private contractors to fix it.
Essentially the government cant do a thing….Thats why we have a 15 trillion dollar economy and the government is trying to take 4 trillion of that themselves.
Then get this…..
They give it back to us and then tell us we owe them……
US government is nothing but a giant ponzi scam and they just dont want anyone to catch on to their scheme.
One of the radio show today was going on about the fact that we are going to be paying the Chinese to reduce their carbon foot print. Of course, we have to borrow the money from the Chinese to pay them. Does anyone know of this??
In addition, we are paying Brazil 2 billion to develop their oil fields offshore. Yet Obama will not allow us to develop a thing. I had a patient is the other day that work the Gulf and he said nothing is going on down their and that his rig has orders to move to Libia.
[…] Coast Guard Report Faults Obama Admin. With Poor Communication Over BP Spill […]