Happy Sunday! It’s a beautiful day in America, and only a week till Christmas? Have you been a good boy or girl? Not a clue who did this pinup, if you know, drop me a comment. Patriotic Bulldog is happy to be part of it, though.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Naughty and Nice Fifteen
- Newsbusters catches Charles Blow being a bad liberal boy (and don’t anyone start that racism crap with me)
- Doug Powers (Michelle Malkin’s site) has the Harry Reid bad boy tweet of the day
- YID With LID has the latest on the bad boys and girls at the TSA
- Yankiee Phil shows he is being a good Redneck
- Verum Serum catches bad boy Mike Malloy blaming Glenn Beck for the Florida shooting
- Wild Thing has been a good girl, and tells us about Obama’s latest reach around attempt with the Taliban
- The RoP is being their usual bad self, whipping a girl for wearing pants. snapped shot has the 411
- Good boy Phineaus (Sister Toldjah’s site) picks the Nanny Stater of the year
- Kate at small dead animals (she likes to be bad, but, we all know she is good) has the 12 Days of Christmas
- Sometimes bad boy Dan Riehl points out that DADT repeal is not the end game
- Q&O explains why you have to react to every bit of bad conduct overreach by government
- Good girl Cassy Fiano explains what the bad girls at NOW have done, with Rule 5 goodness
- HotMES explains what some bad girls are doing while suing McDonald’s
- Some people are so stupidly bad they need a good slapping. Jammie Wearing Fool tells us about some of those people
- And last, but not least, we’ll name Karl (Patterico’s Pontifications) as the Good Boy of The Week, for ripping apart PolitiFact’s biggest lie
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out
- The Other McCain has Live At 5. And Demi Lovato Sex Video. Late Update: Some FMJRA 2.0 (last weeks) Updated: This weeks. And Rule 5
- Yankee Phil, looking to take over for Smitty, and doing a great job, has some Rule 5 Shameless Plugging and linkage. Plus, anti-Rule 5 links
- Weekend Link Love: Queensryche Edition at All American Blogger.
- The Classical Liberal features Vida Guerra and the Job Market (last weeks) Also, Right Wing Links. Updated: Michelle Monaghan, Fear, And Control
- Camp Of Saints has Rule 5 featuring Lucy Pinder. Also, how about Rule 5 Special News Report
- The Daley Gator has the Daley Benefactor news. And his top must read blogs. Thanks, Doug!
- No Sheeples Here has Somethin’ 4 Mutton: Christmas Began In The Heart Of God Edition, with an awesome graphic (as we all expect). And, how about The accidental “Grande Conservative Blogress Diva”
- Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Christmas Dogs Edition at And So It Goes In Shreveport (last weeks). This Weeks: Full Metal Jacket Reach Around Early Christmas Edition
- American Power has Penelope Cruz Anchor Baby Rule 5. And More Lucy Pinder. And hottie Winona Ryder
- Theo Spark says Saturday Night is bath night. Also, The Sunday Best. Plus, some Sunday Totty
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Rule 5 Links.
- Proof Positive has Saturday Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week
- Eye Of Polyphemus has Full Metal Jacket Reach Around 71. Plus January Jones. And Blogroll Spotlight! (last weeks)
- Say Anything has a Saturday linkaround
- Nice Deb has a Friday Free For All (last weeks). How about Issa’s Lame Duck Caption Contest
- Maggie’s Notebook has Morning News/Views
- The Busted Nut says “because it’s my blog, and I can.â€
- The Troglopundit discusses Katy Perry’s need of a few good men. No Danica Patrick?
- Doug Ross has a great link roundup
- Mind Numbed Robot has a mega link drop
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And Post-BBF Letdown Poat. And some Rule 5 for the ladies
- Mean Ol’ Meany has drive by blogging.
- POWIP has Is giving people what they want. And Beefcake Friday
- Barking Moonbat Early Warming System has some Thursday night eye candy
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time)
BTW, with Smitty going to Afghanistan for a year, not sure if RS McCain will continue doing Rule 5 Sunday posts. He has his FMJRA (linked below), but????? The posts do take a long time, so, if you want to send me your links for Rule 5 babeage or links, use ye olde email (remove the NOSPAM part). Preferably, create the html link so I can copy and past how you want it to read.

[…] Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup […]
[…] William Teach: BABES and LINKS! […]
Thanks, Admiral, for the Holly Jolly, Yo-Ho-Ho, Linky Love.
[…] Happy, Bill? […]
[…] Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, Pre X-mas Rule 5 –Pirates Cove […]
[…] Nullification NewsFour Words You Probably Never Wanted to Hear: ‘Demi Lovato Sex Video’Pirates CoveHerman Cain Fever: Catch It!Mind Numbed RobotPetty Grifters Gone Big-TimeBitsBlogDyspepsia […]
[…] Linked by Pirate’s Cove. Take a look at his pinup. Do you know the artist? Williams needs to know. tweetmeme_style = 'compact';tweetmeme_url='http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2010/12/morning-newsviews-12-18-10-maggies-notebook/'; […]