My question is, why is Etheridge not in jail yet? Why has he not been arrested? I heard about this this a.m. on the Morning Rush (106.1 Raleigh), hadn’t had a chance to blog it, via Big Government
Of course, the main paper for North Carolina, the Raleigh News and Observer, was kinda obliged to write a brief post on the subject, which is front page on the Internet version. The big question, will the N&O, along with other NC news outlets, and the national MSM actually do the job they were given a Constitutional protection for and investigate?
WRAL has tried to get a comment from Etheridge and his campaign, but, shockingly, no response.
Others, via Memorandum: Michelle Malkin, The Moderate Voice, Politics Daily, Mediaite, AmSpecBlog, Ben Smith’s Blog, Instapundit, Cassy Fiano, Wake up America, Freedom’s Lighthouse, Weekly Standard, The Other McCain, Pundit & Pundette, Liberty Pundits Blog, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, RedState, JammieWearingFool, Cold Fury, Sister Toldjah, Gawker, Riehl World View and Beltway Confidential
Update: Etheridge provides a weaselly “apology” using his official taxpayer paid for website
“I have seen the video posted on several blogs. I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.â€
Why did he need to see it on blogs? He lived it. Most of us probably expected a bit more, however, I would bet his lawyer instructed him to keep it short and sweet, and not admit to anything, prior to any possible civil or criminal complaints.
Now, I know most of the liberals are trying to blame this on the guy with the camera, but, that is still no excuse for what would be termed “assault” in any court of law.
Meanwhile, John Hawkins at Right Wing News reached out to the campaign of Renee Elmers, Etheridge’s primary opponent. Check it out.

how embarrassing is that to get treated like a naughty boy by a senior citizen 2 months shy of his 69th birthday
Altogether now.. On three..
“It’s George Bush’s fault”
how embarrassing is that to get treated like a naughty boy by a senior citizen 2 months shy of his 69th birthday
Really? You are the one that makes threats of “meeting people in New York City.” The student showed remarkable restraint when the Representative assaults him and the kid doesn’t do what he is legally allowed to do – which is use force back.
One of North Carolina’s representatives is lucky that he didn’t end up flat on his back.