You: Mr. Banker, I need a $100,000 loan to help pay off the $200,000 I owe another bank Banker: Seriously? You: Yup Banker: STFU and GFYS. You’re nuts. I wouldn’t even give you a toaster. But, you don’t have the power of the whole federal government behind you, and can’t tax the f*ck out of […]
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- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: ““To quiet the problem, two flights a week were provided from San Diego to Texas,” he explained. “These flights simply…” Sep 20, 14:31
- Elwood P. Dowd on If All You See…: ““Hot” Rod aka DickBreath aka The Pissant, We should meet up some time for lunch. How about Leith Honda in…” Sep 20, 14:19
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: ““Can Kamala describe the make and model of the gun she allegedly owns? And explain why she spent years advocating…” Sep 20, 14:06
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Rimjob’s party. “158 Left-wing members of Congress just voted against deporting rapists, pedophiles and murderers of women and kids.”” Sep 20, 13:55
- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “So, “Hot” Rod, Don’t be coy, dog. Does your daddy’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good…” Sep 20, 13:43