Heh! And Now For The Latest Excitable Chucky Drawing

TFMo does another outstanding drawing, featuring Excitable Chucky. Check it out.

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5 Responses to “Heh! And Now For The Latest Excitable Chucky Drawing”

  1. captainfish says:


  2. TFMo says:

    Very glad you like it, Captain! For more such silliness, click on the Art link in the side column over at JBYP!

  3. Fly Swatter says:

    Splaaaaaaaatt !

  4. Fly Swatter says:

    Maybe a cockroach would be more appropriate.

  5. TFMo says:

    Probably, Fly, but the concept of the piece was based on an article RS McCain wrote, calling Andrew Sullivan and Mad King Chuckie “gadflies.”

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