And people call Birthers crazy?
scheming daemons The brutal bottom line on the “birthers” that nobody wants to say out loud
They won’t stop until Obama is murdered.
The “birther” angle is just part of the larger “marxist, anti-american, usurper, tea party, take-our-country-back, ‘wolverines!'” angle.
They cannot, will not, accept Barack Obama as their President.
They want him dead. They want to drum up enough Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt until some crazy Scott Roeder-like character comes along and does what they don’t have the courage to do themselves.
They are creating the conditions, willfully, for the next Timothy McVeigh to emerge and act.
That is their intent. They’re not even hiding it that well anymore. They’re just waiting for the November-1963-Dallas moment to present itself to one of the crazies they’ve cultivated. And they’ll have plausible deniability, since it will be a “lone wolf” acting on his own fear and paranoia with no direct traceability to the Limbaughs, Becks, and Liddys of the world.
Scott Roeder was created by Operation Rescue and their rhetoric.
Timothy McVeigh was created by the Arkansas Project and its rhetoric.
Some future assailant is being created right now by the Orly Taitz’s of the world. We can laugh about it all we want… and their claims ARE laughable.
But their goal is a coup d’etat. By any means necessary. And it only takes one nut job to get past the Secret Service to make it happen. They’re planting the seeds by creating THOUSANDS of nut jobs.
Godspeed, Secret Service.
Um, Oooooooo-kaaaaaaaay. You caught us. It is a massive Vast Right Wing Conspiracy plot to to move from simply asking for proof of place of birth in the form of the long form birth certificate, as required by that pesky Constitution thingy, to a coup d’etat. Sure thing, sparky. *
Last time I checked, it wasn’t the right that was fantasizing and wishing for the presidents death.
After that DU post, is there any reason to even delve into the comments of the post?
*for the Liberalism Impaired, that was what is called “sarcasm.” And, just for giggles

Marxist??? Was he looking in a mirror?
Obama is getting about 30 death threats a day this is a 400 % increase over what Bush received.
These are coming from the uber rightwing, the same people who used to say that dissent in time of war was treason.
Why didn’t Republicans attack the kool-aid drinkers calling 9/11 a planned governmental attack in this manner?
Why didn’t they go after lunatic Cindy Sheehan calling the peacenik a traitorous nutjob?
I’m not talking about the blogosphere but those elected officials who just can’t seem to effectively step up to the plate.
Republicans have got to stop being “gentlemen” and learn to hit back with a few low blows.
Democrats really get down and dirty bashing the GOP and independents and nothing is off-limits.
That “marxist” remark was rather amusing, wasn’t it? A bit of projection. First we on the right are fascist, now we’re marxists. :)
I think that the inside the beltway Republicans always want to play nice with the Democrats, so that the papers do not assault them, and so they can go to the cocktail parties. They forget that politics is dirty, and listen to the kool aid drinkers on our side who always say that we are “above that.”
John, you do know he is not the first president, to get multiple death threats a day? This is not unique to him. Are all them of them conservatives? I doubt it.