We all want to go back to the past, right? Some time traveling? No need to wait for Doc Brown. Obama and the Climahysterics plan to take us there, as Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tx), among others, points out
The war against global warming evidently starts at home, where President Obama says the price of electricity will “necessarily skyrocket” when the government caps carbon dioxide and issues emissions permits that utilities can buy and sell to one another.
The president and his allies have decided that man-made carbon dioxide is a witch’s brew that’s killing the planet, and they think that just because the cap-and-trade cure stings doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have to swallow it.
Their solution is embodied in the momentarily stuck Henry A. Waxman-Edward J. Markey global warming legislation, the goal of which is to banish one of the world’s most ubiquitous elements from our lives. Its proponents call it “back to the future.” They’re not kidding, either.
Nobody understands exactly what the legislation means in dollars and cents – more on this later – but to experience how it would feel to lower your personal carbon footprint to the size this bill proposes, set the flux capacitor to 1875. That’s the last time Americans’ carbon emissions matched the goals set by the Waxman-Markey legislation.
Doesn’t that sound awesome, dudes?
What, the old DeLorean is up on cinder blocks in the front yard again? In that case you can test drive Waxman-Markey by sailing down to Haiti, because current CO2 emissions are where Waxman-Markey wants America’s to be in 2050. Radical environmentalists think such a CO2 level will be heaven on Earth, but the place that has actually achieved it is a nation swimming in bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, typhoid fever, dengue fever and malaria, with 47 percent illiteracy and a life expectancy of 49 years. So excuse me if I remain unconvinced.
Even more totally radical! (Am I dating myself with 80’s vernacular?) All for a mostly made up scare that most of the leaders, as well as their mindless followers, refuse to live themselves. Al Gore has finally been able to use his time in divinity school to preach about the evils of Man, oil, you name it, while making lots of disciples, and, oh yes, money. All while flying around the world, taking private jets, driving in limo’s, buying himself a big gas guzzling boat, a huge house which is not very “green,” and paying for it all in carbon credits given to him by a company he is involved in. So, he has to actually do nothing but live a higher CO2 output life, and very few Climahysterics actually ever question his lifestyle, nor other AGW leaders lifestyles.
Nor do the Believers change their lifestyles. They expect everyone else to change, especially those EVIL Big Oil companies, which allow the Climahysterics to drive their SUVs to global warming rallies.
Anyhow, read the rest, particularly about the lost jobs. And notice that the Sun, the greatest driver of climate, is still sitting on the couch chilling out, and is expected to be watching reruns through 2013.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

Love the ’80s style! This was the time when many young voters turned to Jimmy Carter as the savior of the world from evil republicans. Then ‘ol JC tanked the economy using exactly the same policies as the Chosen One. After that, many of us became conservatives because we witnessed first-hand the damage liberal ecconomic policies produce.
Now, Cap and Trade has been added to the liberal mix. When New England Democrats pay several thousand dollars a month to heat their homes, they’ll be receptive to a different argument. A conservative’s best friend is liberal policy enacted.
In any event, conservatives have a lot to be hopeful about and many tools to use to climb out of the dungeon we put ourselves in. For a top ten list of things to be hopeful about, you can hit:
How does that saying go, a conservative is a liberal who has been wacked with the cluebat. Once these programs go into effect, should be making lots of conservatives.
Of course, there is also the other saying, a conservative is a person who has been raped by liberal policies. And these policies are going to rape the People.