It equals quite a few other things, like restriction of free speech, spending beyond belief, massive interference in peoples private and business lives, and much more, including, as Jonah Goldberg calls it, “nice fascism,” but, let’s stick with the culture of death for the moment
The pro-abortion policies of the Obama Administration are part of the “culture of death†in America, said Archbishop Raymond L. Burke at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on Friday.
Burke, who serves in the Vatican as the prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, warned of a moral crisis in America specifically calling President Barack Obama to task along with pro-abortion Catholic politicians and Catholic voters that support pro-abortion, pro-homosexual positions.
“What those who were so enthused about the strong message of change and hope in the United States, delivered during the last election campaign, are now discovering is a consistent implementation of policies and programs which confirm and advance the culture of death, which can only finally leave our world without the great hope,†said Burke.
“The change which brings hope can only be the renewal of our nation in the divine love which respects the inviolable dignity of every human life, from the moment of its inception to the moment of natural death, and which creates and gives growth to new human life through the love of man and woman in marriage,” said Burke. “Any hope which is incoherent with the great hope is truly illusory and can never bring forth justice and its fruit, peace, for our nation and world.”
I suppose this wasn’t as wildly popular with the mainstream media as Wanda Sykes referring to Rush Limbaughas the 20th 9/11 hijacker and missing the flight because he was on OxyContin, hoping his kidneys fail, he gets waterboarded, and saying he is the same as Osama Bin Laden, all while trying to make funny for Obama, and succeeding. Obama apparently finds great humor in wishing harm on fellow Americans who disagree with him, much like he finds a great need to further to the left on the abortion on demand issue then any elected official in the federal government. Ever.
President Obama supports the Freedom of Choice Act, which would strike down most state and federal restrictions on abortion. The president lifted restrictions on embryonic stem cell research….
Obama also supports scrapping regulations enforcing the conscience clause, which forbids health-care institutions receiving federal funds from compelling pro-life health-care workers from acting against their conscience in cooperating with abortions.
Since taking office, Obama has rescinded the Mexico City Policy that blocked federal funding of overseas abortions and issued a $50 million grant to the United Nations population fund, which has supported China’s one-child policy of government-imposed sterilization or abortion.
He is a major supporter of late term abortions and restricting the Rights of parents to know when their child is being taken to get an abortion, including when crossing state lines. So, question for the Independents: is this the Hope and Change you voted for? Is this what you wanted? Did you even know what policies were voting for?

I always laugh at how the radical right has gone from complaining about “welfare queens” to complaining about abortions.
Starting the week off Teach with more complaints about which media sources the American people prefer ? You would have to either use guns or some sort of economic incentive to get Americans to watch news with a right wing slant
So, you approve of this massive escalation of abortions, John? I notice that you didn’t defend what Obama wants to do, the nasty comments by Sykes, which Obama laughed at, nor rebut what I wrote. Why is that?