Daily Archives: February 18, 2009

Waaaahbulance Time In The Leftosphere Over Cartoon

I guess it is a day for Manufactured Hypocritical Outrage today in the Nutroots. First we had the freakout at Michelle M. over Obama-Hitler comparisons (snicker), now A cartoon likening the author of the stimulus bill, perhaps President Barack Obama, with a rabid chimpanzee graced the pages of the New York Post on Wednesday. The […]

Nutroots Now Bothered By Hitler/Nazi Comparisons

And they are freaking out. Not that there is anything unusual about that. Head to Michelle Malkin’s spot for the details on what has them peeing their panty shields this time. I got those two photos from Photobucket, where a search for “Bush Hitler” gets 436 hits. Google images has 764,000.

AGW Today: 5 Places And Spiderman

CNN ponies up 5 awesomely massively gnarly places to go before AGW destroys them Great Barrier Reef New Orleans Rocky Mountain National Park Alpine Glaciers (Switzerland) Amazon Head on over to CNN so you can see just why AGW is going to kill these places. Also, how they can invent ways that AGW can kill […]

Free The Border Guards Free!

Finally. After all this time, Ramos and Compean are free. Almost Former U.S. border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were released from prison Tuesday, but will remain in a community confinement program until March 20, U.S. Bureau of Prison officials said. The two agents had been in prison since 2007. President George W. […]

Pirate's Cove