And we still have some time left to make 2008 even colder!
This year is set to be the coolest since 2000, according to a preliminary estimate of global average temperature that is due to be released next week by the Met Office. The global average for 2008 should come in close to 14.3C (57.74F), which is 0.14C below the average temperature for 2001-07.
So, the coolest over the past 10 years, which has pretty much seen stagnant temperature averages (known as climate.) But, don’t get excited!
The relatively chilly temperatures compared with recent years are not evidence that global warming is slowing however, say climate scientists at the Met Office. “Absolutely not,” said Dr Peter Stott, the manager of understanding and attributing climate change at the Met Office’s Hadley Centre. “If we are going to understand climate change we need to look at long-term trends.”
Prof Myles Allen at Oxford University who runs the website, said he feared climate sceptics would overinterpret the figure. “You can bet your life there will be a lot of fuss about what a cold year it is. Actually no, its not been that cold a year, but the human memory is not very long, we are used to warm years,” he said, “Even in the 80s [this year] would have felt like a warm year.”
I’ll remember that the next time there is a hot day, week, or month, and the climahysterics are screaming about man made global warming and how we need to “do something” before we all die kill the Earth. They do not seem to care that much about Mankind, but, kill some plants? Blasphemy!
Oh, and without the climahysteria, it’s tough for these folks to get grants, and then they might have to get a real job.
Flopping Aces has three questions, including: Third: Is this a debate over global warming or global governance?