This reminds me of the story where the word “rape” was banned from being used during a….rape trial, which, BTW, was later deemed a mistrial for using the word…..rape during the rape trial. Judge Bans Use Of “Illegal†and “Aliensâ€
Arizona’s Supreme Court Justice has agreed to enforce the Hispanic Bar Association’s demands of banning the terms “illegal†and “aliens†in all of the state’s courtrooms.
Claiming that the terms are inflammatory, the president of Arizona’s Hispanic Bar Association, (known as Los Abogados) has asked state Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor to stop using them at trials or hearings because they create perceptions of judicial bias. (snip)
It concludes with a list of acceptable and unacceptable terms relating to illegal immigration. Among those the group wants banned are; immigration crisis, immigration epidemic, open borders advocates, anchor babies and invaders. Among the acceptable terms are foreign nationals, unauthorized workers and human rights advocates. Click here to see the entire list as well as Chief Justice McGregor’s promise to enforce the requests.
I wonder how long it will be before the Permanent Obama Oration Patrol (P.O.O.P) will demand that these words are unacceptable on the Internet, as well.
H/T Michelle Malkin

I CAN NOT see where she banned the words, or promised to enforce the requests.
All I saw was that she promised to share concerns with others, which I don’t agree with, but that would be a far cry from banning anything.
Please let me know if I’ve missed something.
Use Of ‘Illegal’ And ‘Alien’ Banned By Arizona Judge…
Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor has banned the use of the terms “Illegal” and “alien” in the courtroom when referring to illegal aliens. Bowing to the demands of a Hispanic racist group posing as a legitimate organization, Los……
Maybe they will ban the use of half white/half Arab to describe the ‘chosen one’ who is half white/half Arab.
Judges come from those with the lowest mental score in the legal profession. Sure seems that way to me.
I have zero respect for the court system and haven’t had any for 20 years.
you guys are all hating America
John, “hating” is becoming as meaningless a buzzword as “racist.” Both are sounds made when a liberal has no argument to offer so goes on personal attack.
“Illegal” “aliens” are aliens (persons from a foreign country) who are in the United States illegally (in violation of law). Not using these words is stupid beyond belief. I would say a spade should be called a spade, but I suppose you don’t know that saying and will construe it to mean something other than “to name a thing accurately.”
Now, will you call me a racist or a hater? Can’t wait to see. Please offer reasons for your choice.
John, “hating” is becoming as meaningless a buzzword as “racist.” Both are sounds made when a liberal has no argument to offer so goes on personal attack.
“Illegal” “aliens” are aliens (persons from a foreign country) who are in the United States illegally (in violation of law). Not using these words is stupid beyond belief. I would say a spade should be called a spade, but I suppose you don’t know that saying and will construe it to mean something other than “to name a thing accurately.”
Now, will you call me a racist or a hater? Can’t wait to see. Please offer reasons for your choice.
Correction John, we’ve never hated America. We simply hate those who seek to destroy. Whether from the outside or from within.
Teach, heads up, sent you an email. Check your spam.
Take me to your leader!
It probably won’t be for long my friend.
I enjoy your blog and I’m willing to add it to my blog roll if you’re willing to return the favor. Let me know.