Because hockey is my favorite sport
When Sarah Palin dropped the ceremonial first puck at the Flyers’ opener on Saturday night at the Wachovia Center, she was greeted by resounding (almost deafening) boos. Ed Snider, owner of the Flyers, had her introduced to the crowd more as a hockey mom than as the Republican candidate for vice president. She was flanked by Scott Gomez, the Rangers center, and Mike Richards, the Flyers center.
Thanks for telling us what the Flyers fans do to virtually everyone, NY Times (which is the last paper in the world, including papers from Bali, who should be talking about the NHL.) Yeah, she got some boo’s, but, listen to the the video. Plenty of cheers, too. So, let’s move from the news stories, which mostly reported the boo’s, to the sports stories
Palin waved to the crowd and smiled as she dropped the puck to applause and cheers. Palin stuck around and watched two periods in the Rangers’ 4-3 win over the Flyers.
and, to put Philly in context
The orange-clad fans needed little time in the Flyers’ season opener to turn their rancor toward a more familiar target. Zherdev scored his second goal in two nights only 4:12 into the game, the Rangers scored three more quick ones and Flyers goalie Martin Biron was booed off the ice when he was pulled late in the period.
Not to be redundent, but, remember, this was in Philly, the same town which pelted Santa with snowballs.
Update: Newsbusters points out that the original Times story has been changed. Yup. It is now just two paragraphs. Newsbusters fact checks what is left.

Just a rambling OT remark saying that I enjoy your comments on the Blogs for Victory site. It is made considerably more enjoyable by my eventually stumbling on your efforts here.
I shall visit frequently.
Thank you for your enlightening posts and keep up the good work!
Thanks, USAF Captain, I appreciate the kind words. I shall do my best!