Happy Friday to all! It’s that time of the week again! Do you have an interesting post you want to share with everyone? The official Surrender Monkey of the Democratic Party says to do what the Lefties don’t, since they all have the same talking points: link it
Yes, B. Hussein Obama has now truly surrendered to the Nutroots, the left wing lunatics, the leftards, if you will. How So?
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says he doesn’t wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for ‘‘true patriotism’’ since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Asked about it Wednesday in an interview with KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Illinois senator said he stopped wearing the pin shortly after the attacks and instead hoped to show his patriotism by explaining his ideas to citizens.
Now, it would easy to press the bullsh*t button, ramp up the bullsh*t meter, and pretty much call him out for the un-American fool he really is. An American presidential contender refusing to wear an American flag pin, even at political rallies and speeches? Jay at Stop The ACLU has one of the best explanations
Yada, yada, yada, its a freakin pin!!! Who cares! Am I gonna question his patriotism over it??? Let me repeat. It is a pin. I’m sure that many are ready to protest and question his patriotism, but I’m not falling into that trap. I’m calling him out. I think that is what he is going for. Why else call the pin to everyone’s attention and make a grand announcement that you are not going to wear it? It’s a cheap ploy for attention. Probably because he’s getting his butt stomped by Hillary right now. Speak your ideas with the pin or without, Obama. They are still socialist insanities either way around. I could care less if you wear a pin on your lapel or not.
I’ll agree with Jay and all the others who said "it is just a pin" up to a point. The least he could is wear a pin at speeches. He’s running for the President of the U.S.A.. But, as we can see from Jay, it is pretty much a stunt, one designed to show how in touch he is with the leftards, who say they love America so much they want to change every single aspect of it, and the mere sight of a U.S. flag-except when it is upside down-sends them in to apoplexy. Just remember how liberals pitched a fit over the anchors, starting with Fox News, wearing Flag pins after 9/11.
His idea of patriotism?
On Thursday, his campaign issued a statement: ‘‘We all revere the flag, but Senator Obama believes that being a patriot is about more than a symbol. It’s about fighting for our veterans when they get home and speaking honestly with the American people about this disastrous war.’’
His idea of patriotism, ie, cut and run, defeat and retreat, doesn’t go real well with "give me liberty or give me death!", eh?
Let me end by saying, no, I do not think it is really a big deal. Maybe back in the 2000 elections, a US presidential contender utterly refusing to wear a Flag pin would have been a big deal, but, today’s liberals have created the atmosphere of expectation that their politicians will deny America, and Obama has surrendered to them.
Others on the case: Captain’s Quarters, Hot Air, Stuck on Stupid, Michelle Malkin
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Same Time Next Year…
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Hokey Smokes! Caption Contest: Week 70…
Technorati Tags: caption contest
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Barack Obama wants to demonstrate his patriotism through actions and ideas? How dare he!
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Yes, Steven, mistakes were made. We made them in the American Revolution, the war of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and so on. Difference is, the USA didn’t not go “shit, we made a boo boo, f*ck it, we give up.” Also, half the country weren’t acting like raving psychotics in their hatred of their elected leaders so much that they took the side of the enemy against their own nation.
Silke, if his ideas are how to surrender forthwith, that is not patriotism.
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This is scary.
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Hey Osama Barack Hussein Obama – An American Flag was on the tail of ~AA11~
~UF175~ ~AA77~ & ~UF93~ on 9-11-01… American Flags flew on the WTC North and South Towers on 9-11-01. Old Glory flew at the Pentagon on 9-11-01. Our soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines wear American Flags on their uniforms in our war on terror! OUR U.S. Flag is glorious and OUR nation’s symbol over the last 231 years!!
[…] Populist, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Adeline and Hazel, third world county, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Right Voices, Church and State, The Random Yak, […]
PS: “Look at the photo mom… twins!”
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I’m Glad Barack Hussein Obama Won’t Wear the Ameri…
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Perfect venue for the Democrats :
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