Time Magazine does something newsworthy for a change, and gives us an inside look at the mind of an Iraqi terrorist:
One day soon, this somber young man plans to offer up a final prayer and then blow himself up along with as many U.S. or Iraqi soldiers as he can reach. Marwan Abu Ubeida says he has been training for months to carry out a suicide mission. He doesn’t know when or where he will be ordered to climb into a bomb-laden vehicle or strap on an explosives-filled vest but says he is eager for the moment to come. While he waits, he spends much of his time rehearsing that last prayer. "First I will ask Allah to bless my mission with a high rate of casualties among the Americans," he says, speaking softly in a matter-of-fact monotone, as if dictating a shopping list. "Then I will ask him to purify my soul so I am fit to see him, and I will ask to see my mujahedin brothers who are already with him." He pauses to run the list through his mind again, then resumes: "The most important thing is that he should let me kill many Americans."
Interesting. I have a few questions for Time, though. First, why are they interviewing terrorists? Second, why do they refer to them as insurgents when they are in fact talking about terrorists? And why do they seem to be taking the terrorists side, using what seem to be Democratic talking points?
As to the first, we sort of get an answer:
The interview was the result of weeks of reporting on such insurgents in the hope of learning more about the identities and motivations of those behind the scourge of terrorism in Iraq. A jihadist group passed word that it would send one of its recruits to meet with us. Marwan was unaccompanied; we were not provided with any information about where he lives, works or trains. And out of concern for the safety of TIME’s staff, no attempt was made to track his whereabouts after he left.
So Time spent weeks searching to talk to terrorists. The enemy. Might they perhaps have looked for US and Coalition troops to talk to? Or do they care more for the terrorists providing them with propaganda?
As for the other questions, Time is just another tool of the Left wing media, who seem to want to see the US fail in Iraq.