The AP almost gets this headline right: Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Homes. Though it could have read "Screw Homeowners" in Kelo v. New London.
Cities may bulldoze people’s homes to make way for shopping malls or other private development, a divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday, giving local governments broad power to seize private property to generate tax revenue.
In a scathing dissent, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said the decision bowed to the rich and powerful at the expense of middle-class Americans.
This is hideous. It wasn’t about eminent domain to build schools, roads, or dams, but so that a private developer could build an office park and yup, expensive homes. The 5 who voted for this should be impeached for judicial misconduct. The SC is supposed to uphold the Constitution and protect the People, not bone them in the azz.
This hits somewhat home for me. The State of NJ has decreed that a new bridge be build over the Manasquan River on Hwy 70, so that a small number of people with big boats won’t be inconvenienced. My parents, who still live in Brielle, and I know several of the people whose homes are being taken away. It’s a travesty. I had a simple solution. Berth your large boat somewhere else other then the backass end of the ‘squan River.
You would think that the Left would be all over this issue. Sure, they hate private ownership, but they also hate when the poor and low income folks are taken advantage of. And this landmark ruling could lead to that. Need a new upperclass highrise? Evict those folks who live in a low income area. They don’t add much to the economy, anyhow. Put your casino up, no problem.

it’s a terrible ruling. I was never happy with eminent domain to begin with but I understand sometimes the necessary evil but this ruling opens up a lot of needless heartache for homeowners. It will be abused. Give it time.
Definately, Jody. You know that lots of municipalities are gnashing their teeth in ecstacy right now over this ruling , or should I say, missruling.