The New York Times was one of those who took shots at President Bush over Kerry’s "opening firehouses in Baghdad and shutting them in the United States of America" sound bite. Sorry, no link, it is in the NYT’s archive which requires payment. They have taken numerous shots at Mayor Bloomberg over the same issue. But today’s article sure seems as if the firefighters themselves are not that important:
Less than five months after a Bronx fire forced two firefighters to jump to their deaths, the New York Fire Department is preparing to give each firefighter a costly rope escape system that was largely designed by a team of city firefighters using their off-duty skills in rock climbing and metalworking.
Costly. It is costly. It is more costly, comrade Times, to lose firefighters, and not just in monetary terms. But wait, there’s more. The Times has to make multiple references to the cost of the program, culminating in:
The $11 million is roughly what it would cost to annually operate the six fire companies closed two years ago. Mr. Scoppetta said the escape system was a more critical need. "If they had had a system such as we’re developing, this choice to go out the window would not have had to been made," he said.
They had to sneak that one in. Of course, without firefighters, there are no fire companies.
Comrade Times gives some grudging praise for the development of these new ropes, but it seem to be more done by rote, rather then any real praise, such as the would give to anyone who is condemning the Bush admin. Pretty much typical Times.

Seriously, why do you read that s***? NYT isn’t fit to be used as cage-liner at Gitmo.
Makes me wonder why the Times ran this article about the ACLU. I smell cover up.