Congratulations all around!!!

A big shout out to Firewolf at Firewolf’s Blog and Jody at Steal the Bandwagon on hitting 6 months of blogging. Great going, folks! (h/t to Janette, though I would have seen them sooner or later.)

For Firewolf:Image hosting by Photobucket

Figured we could share.


Image hosting by Photobucket For Jody. No explanation needed πŸ™‚

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5 Responses to “Congratulations all around!!!”

  1. jody says:

    thanks teach…those are…um…lovely. πŸ˜‰

  2. Welcome. Even has your own logo.

    Couldn’t do it earlier, had to wait till I got home to use the photo editor.

  3. Janette says:

    I didn’t get a thong for MY blogiversary ::pout::

    That’s okay you can get me something nice when I move to my new digs as a blog warming gift.

  4. Me sorry.

    You realize that that is an invitation to put evil photoshop skills to work, right πŸ˜‰

  5. FireWolf says:

    Hey! I like sharing πŸ˜‰ LOL

    Thanks for the track Teach!

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