It’s Tuesday. You Needs Some Witches To Get Thru The Week (20 Images)

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5 Responses to “It’s Tuesday. You Needs Some Witches To Get Thru The Week (20 Images)”

  1. Another outstanding selection as always!

  2. Duncan says:

    ahhhh megan fox….

  3. Thanks, Glenn! This one was pretty easy. Today’s Ghosts one was, surprisingly, rather hard. Not that many good ghost costume picks and such. Weird, huh? Usually takes me about 45 min, tops, to do one of these. Ghosts took 2 hours, and still only “eh.” Thursdays will should be really good though. Mummies!

    Megan is like children: highly amusing, but, best seen and not heard 🙂

  4. Fantastic! I have stolen …err “borrowed”…them all!

  5. Well, that’s what I did 🙂

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