Daily Archives: June 11, 2024

California Looks To Seize Profits From Oil Companies

Might this be the point where gas and oil companies just say “OK, bye” and end operations in the People’s Republik Of California? Or, at least, refuse to sell to the state for their numerous operations, like for the governor’s limo and jet? California looks to seize profits from Big Oil in climate change lawsuit […]

If All You See…

…is marshland being inundated by a fast rising sea, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post noting crimes in Oakland are keeping roads from being paved.

Weird: Colorado’s Legal Pot Market Is Crashing

I’ll not again that I am not against legalized marijuana. I don’t do it, but, if others want to, have at it. It’s certainly not as bad a drug as alcohol, though people do seem to be using it in some form or fashion way more throughout the day, kinda like an alcoholic sneaking sips. […]

Lime Scooters To Place “No-Go Zone” Around Spokane Street Pride Paint

So, apparently, people are not going to be able to rent Lime scooters and….cross the street The pride flag crosswalk in Spokane, Washington, has now been designated a "no-go zone" by Lime scooters following the arrest of multiple teens for leaving "skid marks" on the mural. The scooters will now shut down if they are […]

CBS News Shocked That Clear Majority Want Illegals Deported

The Credentialed News wonders why people do not trust them and think they are completely biased ????Watch CBS host Margaret Brennan be completely shocked and in denial about her own network’s new poll that shows 62% of all Americans support a new government program to deport all illegal aliens in our country: “What exactly do people think […]

Pirate's Cove