Daily Archives: June 6, 2024

Oh Noes: Global Boiling Threatens Democracy Around The World

Bad Weather is apparently bad for voting, and never happened before 1850 How Climate Change Threatens Democracy This year, at least 68 countries will hold elections, with billions of voters heading to the polls. Voting will be subject to many of the usual electoral risks, including disinformation campaigns, foreign interference, and rigging by incumbents. In […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon neutral sailboats, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Real Science, with a post on RFK Jr’s plan for $12 gas.

Bummer: Biden’s Border Order To Create Chaos And Suffering

I know that the order is simply an election year stunt to attempt to convince voters that he’s Doing Something after doing the exact opposite for over three years, but, are we really caring that this creates hardship and suffering for illegal aliens invading our nation? Biden’s migrant order is recipe for chaos at US […]

Americans Are Totally Ready To Take Climate (scam) Action Or Something

Weirdly, they forgot to ask if Americans are willing to spend lots of their own money and give up their freedom and life choices Survey: Americans ready to take climate action Most Americans are willing to take steps to help address climate change, a new survey finds. Why it matters: While some Americans still haven’t accepted climate […]

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Uses US Weapons To Strike In Russian Territory

In fairness, as I’ve said, this is war. If one nation is striking in the territory of another, well, that country should strike back in the other nation’s territory. Of course, since Ukraine is using US weapons to strike a nation that has nuclear weapons with a nutjob in charge who has threatened to use […]

Pirate's Cove