Daily Archives: June 4, 2024

UK Guardian Squees On The Day After Tomorrow’s 20th Anniversary

Does anyone actually watch this movie anymore? It’s pretty much scientifically illiterate, and violates the laws of thermodynamics. But, it was perfect propaganda from the doomsday climate cult The Day After Tomorrow at 20: a strangely prescient ecological warning In the winter of 2013, a breakdown in the polar vortex allowed freezing cold air to […]

If All You See…

…is a palm tree that will soon grow in Norway, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on SEALs celebrating Pride.

Biden’s EO On Border Could See It Close When Crossings Hit 2,500

The number previously thrown around was 4,500 for his executive order. Now it’s 2,500. Why 2,500? Why not zero? If he can do 2,500 he can do zero Biden to issue order that could close US-Mexico border to asylum seekers Joe Biden on Tuesday was set to announce an executive order that would reportedly shut […]

Climate Cult News Already Linking Corral Fire To Their Dogma

The cause of the Corral fire is still under investigation, but, of course cBS News has to trot out the Typical Cult Propaganda Corral Fire in California has firefighters worried as climate change threatens to make fire season worse The Corral Fire exploded in Northern California over the weekend, scorching more than 14,000 acres, jumping […]

Weird: Congressional Democrats Staying Away From Biden

This sounds like a repeat of when Obama was in office and Democrats wanted nothing to do with him on the campaign trail Congressional Dems Apparently Want To ‘Biden-Proof’ Their Campaigns As President Continues To Tank In Polls Some Congressional Democrats are apparently looking to distance their campaigns from President Joe Biden as they head […]

Pirate's Cove