…is fast rising sea that will soon tip islands over, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on wind turbines potentially messing with the radar of ships.

…is fast rising sea that will soon tip islands over, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on wind turbines potentially messing with the radar of ships.
Shut up boy, “they gonna put y’all back in chainz-za!”
My word as a Biden.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“I was there.”
Honest! My word as a Biden.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump convicted on all counts.

Shocker! Well not really.
What a circus.
Biden already ranting.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Very sad day for America. Ex-president Trump was just found guilty of all 34 felony counts in NYC.
“Twelve jurors unanimously vote to ensure Trump reelection…” BB
Should the jury have taken the impact on the election into account?
Trump had an affair with sex worker and with a Playboy model.
In 2016 he paid $130,000 to keep the sex worker quiet and $150,000 to keep the Playboy model quiet. He fixed his corporate books to hide the payments. His motive was to keep the information hidden to further his election probability.
And the crime was?

C’mon Karen (aka Rimjob) since you’re such a legal expert.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Sentencing July 11. Prison time is unlikely, so probation. Guidelines call for 0-4 years per Class 3 felony conviction, probably all 34 to run concurrently.
Campaigning Republican Senators and Representatives unsurprisingly attack America’s justice system as “kangaroo courts”, “corrupt and rigged” juries, “lawfare” and “dangerous”, etc etc etc.
The nuRepublicans want to blow up the US military, the US electoral system, the US DOJ, all in support of a convicted felon!!
IF America is able to stave off the attempted MAGAt takeover, we can begin to fix the US.
President Trump convicted of listening to his lawyers 34 times.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump was convicted of 34 counts of felony falsifying business records to illegally influence the 2016 election through paying hush money to a porn star and a Playboy model with whom he had had sex.
President Trump was convicted of listening to his lawyers 34 times.

The rest is made up.
Hardly a felony in the real world.
Bwaha! Lolgf
There he is our own official retard, Elwood. Gonna Blair out the complete lie and think everybody’s gonna believe it because he does. Gotta be the dumbest man currently posting on the Internet.
I will not write about the bogus conviction of President Trump, because I am too angry, and I know that I would say something I shouldn’t. My thoughts are as black as the pits of Hell right now.
The Democrats have been claiming that Donald Trump was a threat to democracy, but it wasn’t either Mr Trump or the Republicans who are seeking to remove the clear choice of one of the only two candidates who could win.
Sadly it looks as though we’ve reached the point where one political party in the United states is trying to destroy the entire country. I used to say that but I was partially joking I’m not any longer. The communist Democrats have decided that the Republic no longer matters the only thing that matters is that they are in power.
I would have never believed that the Democrats as bad as they are would be so afraid of one man we’re so afraid of people’s ideas that they would not only corrupt the country but corrupt corrupt the judicial system on top of it. From this point forward none of us can rely on the courts. So when people like Elwood start telling us how the court said this and the court said that we can point to this injustice say the courts are corrupt whatever they say matters not.
So who’s running for president? Ohh genocide joe against nobody else. That’s their democracy that they’ve been defending I see. A one party system just like the communist system they have always adored.
Now Elwood is officially enemy of the United States of America and so is H. And so is every single member of the democrat party. They are traitors as much today as they were in 1861 except this time they wanna make us all slaves not just the blacks. They’re worthless disgusting traitors.
The conviction of Mr Trump was not bogus. He was charged, had a trial and was convicted.
Mr Trump’s threat to democracy was clearly demonstrated by his illegal attempts to overturn the 2020 election. He will not be prevented from running for President. According to his supporters his chances of winning have increased.
Mr Trump was convicted by a jury of Americans. Frankly, I was surprised that he was convicted although I think he was clearly guilty of the crimes. I believed at least one juror would vote to acquit. One juror stated they got their news from FOX, another from Truth Social. All twelve, 7 men and 5 women, voted to convict Mr Trump on all 34 counts of falsifying his business records to influence the 2016 election.
The Trump cult has lost all faith in America. They have no faith in our government. You cannot trust our military. You cannot trust our justice system. You cannot trust the media. You cannot trust education. You cannot trust science or medicine. You cannot trust our elections. All that disagree with you are enemies of the state and traitors. If you’re lucky, when Mr Trump is re-elected you can have all of the traitors hanged.
Mr Trump will appeal. Mr Trump can continue to run for President. Although based on the crimes and precedent he should receive prison time, it’s highly unlikely. In fact, his felony convictions will solidify his support. Once elected, Mr Trump can “fix” everything.
Poor Karen (aka Rimjob) still cannot tell us what the “crimes” were except listening to his lawyers 34 times.
The new slogan for 2024:
“If they can do it to me, they can do it to you.” — Trump2024
Looks like Trump has raised $35M+ in small donations since the egregious verdict was announced.

Bwaha! Lolgf
“If they can do it to me, they can do it to you.” -D Trump
Every person that pays off a porn star and/or a Playboy model, covers up the crime by falsifying business records with the intent to compromise an election SHOULD be prosecuted!!
This is America.
You believe that the first time felon should receive prison time for a nonviolent event? How tolerant of you. I’ll bet you wouldn’t say that if he was an illegal alien. You filthy communist liar.
Mr Trump’s own DOJ sent Michael Cohen, Trump’s attorney, a first time nonviolent felon to prison for 3 years. He spent about 1 year in prison.
Trump’s own DOJ sent Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, a first time nonviolent felon to prison for 2 years. He spent about 2 years is prison. Trump pardoned him.
Trump’s own DOJ sent Roger Stone, one of the Republicans’ top ratfuckers, a first time nonviolent felon to prison for 3 years, but Trump pardoned him.
Norm Eisen stated that approximately 10% of convicted felons under similar circumstances are sentenced to prison. A lot depends on the felon accepting their guilt and behaving themselves in court and out.
With all the complications of protecting an ex-president in custody, probation or house arrest in Mar-a-Largo would seem appropriate.
Do you understand what ‘precedent’ means?
Does Karen (aka Rimjob) understand what a “rigged jury” means.

If not STFU with your copy&paste nonsense, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Can Pissant (aka Incel) explain how the jury was “rigged”?
If not STFU with your nonsense, dumbass.
#Trump Ankle Bracelet
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Can Pissant (aka Incel) explain how the jury was “rigged”?
First the jury was rigged because it should have been held outside of New York. A change of venue was definitely required because of the local hostility. Second the jury was comprised of 12 biden voters with an alternative 6 biden voters. Thirdly the jury was not permitted to hear testimony from the defense. We could go on but you know. And you aren’t going to admit it anyway.
Do you know that all jurors were Biden voters?
The venue is usually the county where the crimes were purportedly committed. Would Chicago, LA, Miami, Austin, New Orleans, Baltimore etc have been better?
Campaign finance expert Bradley Smith, was permitted to testify, but told he could not offer opinions on Trump’s actions, only on the facts. The Trump team did not call Smith. Trump chose not to testify. The team called two witnesses, Daniel Sitko, a paralegal who works in the law office of Trump attorney Todd Blanche, and Robert Costello, an attorney to refute Michael Cohen’s testimony.
Much of Mr Trump’s claims after the verdict were untrue.
Your inability to be fair by mandating justice for your opposition as much as you want for yourself is obvious. I could go through all of the injustices from a corrupt judge and a corrupt prosecutor to a handpicked jury of 12 + 6 all alternates all Biden voters on the jury. To the fact that you don’t put a gag order on a defendant in the trial. You don’t rule against the defendants lawyers every single time they raise an objection and you don’t rule for the prosecution every time they raise an objection. The judge was so corrupt he even looked corrupt. That’s hard to do unless you’re in Hollywood.
I once had the belief that even though a hard left winger that you are ultimately you would be fair. You have just shown us all that you’re incapable of justice and fairness even with our judicial system which you just damaged the same way you damaged our election system. There is nothing left in American government that you left us have not corrupted.
And you know it! And you’re gonna sit here and deny it just like you denied the hanky panky at the election.
The entire government apparatus went after an individual American citizen out of political hate.. ponder the meaning of that….. it is absolutely terrifying and all of those small minded minions who are celebrating have no idea what they have done to this country. The verdict was foreordained, and the articles prewritten. Those of us not in the democommie party have to presume that the fake ballots are preprinted for November.
Mr L.G. listed his objections to the trial:
corrupt judge
corrupt prosecutor
handpicked jury of 12 + 6 all alternates all Biden voters
gag order on a defendant
rule against the defendants lawyers every single time
rule for the prosecution every time
judge… looked corrupt
Can you substantiate any of your accusations?
Yes, Trump was under a gag order not to denigrate the jurors, the prosecution or the court officers, except for the judge and his family.
Others said the jury was “rigged” much like the last and next elections. Is your evidence for a “rigged” jury better than for the elections?
People like you seem to believe all sorts of fantasies, believing everyone is lying to you about everything. You mistrust everything. Sad.
no we just mistrust everything you leftists say. After all you’ve been lying to everybody for eight fuckin years. You started with the Russia Russia Russia bullshit and now you’re up to the part where you’re having a phony trial and telling us that we have to reiterate every single time all the things done wrong.
You guys aren’t that stupid. You know that the trial was not fair on many different levels and they sit there and tell us they’re constantly we have to reiterate every single thing wrong with the trial is what you did with to us with the election. And no matter what we say and no matter what we show you and no matter what we prove and no matter what evidence we have you’re still gonna tell us now you don’t believe it.
There is no use talking to people who demand to be left in ignorance. Says stay in ignorance because I no longer care. There’s enough information out there that you know the situation with that entire trial and they sit there and deny it is so much BS it’s ridiculous. You can’t be that stupid. Maybe you can.
2015… The Trump campaign DID work with the Russians. There was a big investigation.
2023… A jury found Mr Trump liable for sexual abuse, defamation and battery for his alleged assault on L. Jean Carroll. He was ordered to pay her $5 million in reparations, but subsequently defamed her again, and was ordered to pay an additional $83 million. He is appealing.
2024… On the hook for $454 million for damages in the NY civil fraud case. He is appealing.
2024… Mr Trump was found guilty in the first of several trials.
L.G. typed: And no matter what we say and no matter what we show you and no matter what we prove and no matter what evidence we have you’re still gonna tell us now you don’t believe it.
Retelling Mr Trump’s lies does not amount to evidence.
I’m not gonna spend another year going back and forth with you on a stacked jury. We’ve already done that with you over wanna rigged election. You know as well as we know that the jury was rigged the judge was rigged the DA was rigged the entire system was rigged against him. Would you allow a Democrat to be tried like that? Of course you wouldn’t. But frankly I’ve had enough of your BS and your lies. You lie and then you argue with us when we tell you that you’re lying. And you know damn right well you’re lying. So go tell it to your grandmother cause you’ve thrown enough CRAP around here already.
And I’m not retelling Mr. trump’s lies. I’m telling you easily observed facts from the entire trial that you shut off like it means nothing. I do hope we win so that we could try your people like this and watch you cry.
You have destroyed our Republic and now you have completely corrupted the legal system nobody but a Democrat can get a fair trial anymore. Look how you set up the trial for the J6 defendants and look what you did here.
2015… The Trump campaign DID work with the Russians. There was a big investigation.
yes there was now tell us the results of the Mueller investigation.
That LG Carroll bimbo has been accusing other people she is obviously muzzy. But that doesn’t matter to you people as long as you can get a conviction. You lie your witnesses lie.
a civil fraud case? You mean the different valuing of his properties? Because I’ve done that 100 times and so does every other businessman that’s gotten real estate. You know that bull crap. And you’re gonna stick with it and repeat it because you’re a liar and a commie liar and a traitor.
Do you think $454 million is a reasonable punishment? Why not a trillion? You just wanna ruin the guy it’s not just enough to get him out of office you gotta ruin him you wanna do everything possible to hurt him and his family. That’s not justice you filthy bum. If you could you’d launch him just like you Democrats used to lynch those poor black people years ago.
L.G. typed: I’m not gonna spend another year going back and forth with you on a stacked jury.
Agreed. Rather than just “knowing it”, you should present your evidence that the jury was “rigged” or “stacked”.
Don’t let your feelings of loss prompt you to do something that will get you tossed in jail.
BTW, Here’s a list findings from the Mueller investigation: https://www.acslaw.org/projects/the-presidential-investigation-education-project/other-resources/key-findings-of-the-mueller-report/
So you’ve lied on documents 100 times in valuing properties? Yikes.
Awakened a sleeping giant?
Ya don’t say.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Russian State TV broadcasts
“They have wronged our Donald”
Still waiting for his “brother” Kim to respond. Maybe he will offer him sanctuary?
Looks like we lefties just haven’t been able to pSs the father lis bar the LG Brandon has yet for us.
What will he think when this time it is our side to begin the chant “lock him up lock him up”
Trump was too chicken to testify under oath.
Your Messiah is being crucified before your very eyes. Isn’t this what the 2nd Amendment was designed to prevent? For decades you said that was why the 2nd eas so important, now you do nafa.
Gotta walk that walk!
Or be deemed a hypocrite by Mr Teach.
Doesn,t anyone else see the sublime irony of Trump facing the possibility of jail after all the times that HE called for that punishment for others?
the new New Yorker magazine cover has the Donald in handcuffs and titled DONALD TRUMP A MAN OF CONVICTIONS