…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on a GOP bill that tells Biden to keep his hands off American’s appliances passing the House

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on a GOP bill that tells Biden to keep his hands off American’s appliances passing the House
Today’s hero.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Just because some Soros DA refuses to press charges against the rioters (students and professors)it doesn’t mean they’re off the hook.

And there are plenty of hungry litigation lawyers out there willing to file those class action lawsuits.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lawfare is a two-edged sword.
Read the whole thing.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Former potential Trump VP candidate, Gov Kristi “shootingpuppies” Noem said: It has been brought to my attention that my memoir — for which I conducted more than 500 hours of interviews with myself — contains an anecdote in which the late Samuel Beckett mails me his Nobel Prize for Literature medal and insists, in a long and heartfelt letter, that I deserve it more than he does. This anecdote has been adjusted. – (James Parker -The Atlantic)
Just like she met with Kim Jong-un.
You’re about a week behind on that piece of “breaking” news, Karen (aka Rimjob).

Try a little harder to keep up, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You gotta understand drowningpuppies, it took a week for this crap to filter down to the important news about how Democrats and their allies the communists and Nazis and Muslim terrorists we’re shutting down schools in America and killing Jews and stuff like that. Dead dogs by Kristi Noem are much more important than murdering Jews. At least to the Super sophisticated mind of dowd.
Democrat propagandist like doubt we’ll never mention something like this which I would say is a little bit more important than killing a dog. thank you:
You lads have to duck to miss so many points, LOL.
Noem is an exemplar of the lying liars on the right. She shows how little she respects her “followers”.
Q: “Did you meet with Kim as described in your memoir?”
N: “I’ve met with many world leaders, and refuse to discuss those meetings.”
Q: “You recently said, ‘It was brought to my attention that the meeting was in the book, so I had it removed.’
Q: Did you not write your book? You also read your book aloud in making the audio version. Did you not hear it then?”
N: “It was brought to my attention and I had it removed. I do not discuss my important meetings
with world leaders.”
Q: “Governor, did you or did you not meet with Kim?”
N: “It was brought to my attention and I had it removed. I do not discuss my important meetings
with world leaders.”
Q: “One final question. Why do conservative women wear so much heavy eye make-up? Is it because Donald Trump likes that porn star look?”
N: “It was brought to my attention and I had it removed. I do not discuss my important meetings
with world leaders.”
Q: “Thank you Governor Kristi Noem from one of the Dakotas, I think.”
That was good Elwood. Now do one of the lying liars on the left. Try Adam Schiff. Are you trying to point out that nobody on the left ever lies? I mean you jumped all over her like she was lying about a laptop or getting money from foreign governments like the bidens. Not something super important like shooting a dog or saying she met Kim who eats dogs.
Conservative women wear heavy eye makeup? So now you’re lumping all conservative women as a group? You’re so liberal. You’re so open minded. And you have absolutely no taste in what looks good on a woman which is eye make up. Have you ever looked at a group of 6 conservative women and six liberal women and ask yourself which is which? the good looking ones are invariably the conservatives. You guys have one good looking women and it’s AFC and she’s a mental.
Besides why do you care about how much would makeup we wear? A dude that weighs 350 lbs has no right commenting on the looks of others.
Hi CarolAnn,
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”
You don’t find it humorous that Noem got caught fibbing? She’s trying to clean up so she’ll still be considered for VP. Too late, IMHO.
Money from foreign governments? The Biden Crime Family are pikers compared to the Trump Crime Family. Trump made millions by having foreign government officials stay it his properties. They paid millions to the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas; Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York; and Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza in New York. China made the largest total payment — $5.5 million — to Big Don’s business interests. Those payments included millions of dollars from China’s Embassy in the United States, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Hainan Airlines Holding Company. The Saudis paid him nearly a million.
And don’t forget the $2 BIILION Saudi Prince Mohmmed bin Salman personally approved for Jared Kushner’s investment firm!! Said Big Don: “Saudi Arabia, I get along great with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much!”
Jared and Ivanka rented a fancy DC house from a Chilean tycoon who was suing the US! The Chilean mining tycoon bought the house just after Trump “won” the election.
On Trump’s trips to all his golf courses and Trump Tower the Secret Service paid Trump Inc for lodging and services!!
Big Don and Little Ivanka received several dozen Chinese trademarks in 2018.
Yes on the heavy eye makeup. It was Melania, then Don Jrs, girlfriend, then Noem, Mace, Huckabee-Sanders, Tulsi, Boebert, etc. MTG has resisted so far. We get it. Conservative women have no identity except via their male overlords. Donald likes the “hooker” look, so… Conservative men want their women to be obedient sex objects.
Look no further than Galera Therapeutics.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Brilliant!! Senator Rick “Skeletor” Scott (R-FL) is out fundraising for his own re-election by showing up for Big Donnie in New York attacking Colombian Judge Merchan’s daughter, which Mob Boss Big Donnie is prevented from doing by his gag order!!
Sorry Karen (aka Rimjob), Loren Merchan is a fundraiser for Adam Schiff, Mamala Harris, the Democrat National Committee, (Dem)Senate Majority PAC, and even Joe Biden.

If you don’t see the blatant conflict of interest well… it’s not really that surprising with you.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We are getting into election season the elwoods of the Democrat party are gonna have to start talking about all that other nonsense or else they’re gonna have to answer questions about whether or not biden’s uncle or whatever was eaten by cannibals.
As we know comrade Elwood is more interested who stormy Daniels screwed 18 years ago then why his candidate for president finds it necessary to make up stupid stories about cannibals eating his family. He’s very worried about that dog that got shot because that’s a big major deal. It’s like when trump mentioned to a friend of his in passing that if you’re famous like a movie star you can walk up and kiss any girl you like and you can grab them by the pussy. Let me tell you something I would I’m a tall very handsome fireman and I can walk up and grab a girl by the pussy. He didn’t say he did it he said he could do it. But you have that selective hearing of yours so….
Mr Trump has been accused of committing multiple crimes enabling his interference with a free and fair election.
LOL. So you’re VERY HANDSOME!! So handsome that if you so choose you can grab any girl by her pussy! I’m sure you could. Once.
I thought you were permanently disabled and couldn’t work and will be receiving government support? So you WERE a fireman.
Maybe you can buy a few dozen Chipotle restaurants to run.
Supreme Court justices nominated by Donald Trump should recuse themselves from every case involving Trump or related to Trump.
If you don’t see this blatant conflict of interest well… it’s not really that surprising with you.
No Federal Judge appointed by then President Trump should preside over any of his trials.
If you don’t see the blatant conflict of interest well… it’s not really that surprising with you.
So illogical and stupid Karen (aka Rimjob) had to post it twice.

Keep trying, dipshit.
Bwaha! Lolgf