Daily Archives: December 29, 2022

Climate Cult Decides They Need A New Narrative For 2023

I’d recommend one that was based on the Scientific Model, ditching the reliance on computer models, and dropping the doomsaying For 2023 let’s agree. We need a new climate change narrative If you are around teenagers and you’ve got more than a decade on them, they don’t seem to have much to say to you. […]

If All You See…

…is Extreme Weather created heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Earl Of Taint, with a post the Ten Percentident.

Another Test Post

I should really be doing this on my test site, but, whatever This will get deleted after 1pm, trying to see if Buffer will automatically post it at the proper time. Jetpack only gives users 30 free shares to Twitter, have to pay $10 a month now for unlimited now. F that.

Good News: Exercise Is Rooted In White Supremacy History

The smart thing for the editor at Time Magazine should have been to say “you really wrote a piece on this with that headline?” then hit delete and tell Olivia B. Waxman to write something that is not stupid. Because the headline is based literally on her first paragraph The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, […]

ZOMG: Children’s Books Could Become A Repository Of Extinct Animals Due To Climate Doom?

I wish I had saved a screenshot of an insane The Atlantic headline from yesterday, as that article was quickly taken down, and this seems very similar. Perhaps they toned down the Doom? Will Children’s Books Become Catalogs of the Extinct? The other night, as I began the expansive and continually growing routine of putting […]

Hey, Remember When Trump Was In Office And It Was Racist To Make Chinese Take COVID Tests?

I’m waiting with baited breath for the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc and so on to call this racist now that Biden is doing it Joe Biden Demands China Travelers Provide Negative COVID Test After Calling Trump’s 2020 COVID Response ‘Nakedly Xenophobic’ Joe Biden will now require travelers from China to show a […]

Pirate's Cove