No one ever said the virgins would all be good looking and women, though, right? Fox News’ Fred Fleitz asks an interesting question
Another issue is whether killing Zawahri, who was 71 and in ill health, will make any difference in protecting the U.S. from terrorist attacks since there were plans to name a successor to Zawahri before he was killed.
Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter. Some people just need killing. Zawahri was one of them
President Biden announced Monday that the U.S. government killed the leader of al Qaeda, Ayman Al Zawahiri in a “successful” counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan that removes the terrorist from the battlefield “once and for all,” and degrades the terror network’s ability to operate.
The United States government, on July 30 at 9:48 p.m. ET, and 6:18 a.m. Kabul time, undertook a “precision counterterrorism operation,” killing Zawahiri, who served as Usama bin Laden’s deputy during the 9/11 attacks, and as his successor in 2011, following bin Laden’s death.
Biden, in an address to the American people, Monday night said “justice has been delivered,” and warned those that seek to do harm to the United States.
Biden explained that Zawahiri “coordinated al Qaeda’s branches all around the world” since bin Laden’s death in 2011, including “setting priorities for providing operational guidance that call for and inspire attacks against U.S. targets.”
I don’t mind giving Biden props and kudos when he deserves it, and, he deserves, regardless of his involvement in it. This is a good thing that he’s dead. It’s been a long time coming. Way too long
Probably the worst headline on whacking a horrendous terrorist. "An Egyptian surgeon". Good job, @politico
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 2, 2022
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahri’s death in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan is raising questions about whether the country is being used as a base of operations for the terrorist group.
“What unnerves me is that Al Zawahri felt comfortable enough being out in the open in the Kabul area after the Taliban takeover,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “So much for the Taliban rejecting al-Qaeda. This is proof positive that Afghanistan has once again become a safe haven for international terrorists.”
Yup, Biden’s wonderful exit from Afghanistan plan
Biden Slammed Trump When He Took Out ISIS’ Al-Baghdadi, Iran’s Soleimani
When Trump confirmed in October 2019 that U.S. special forces had found and killed ISIS founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Biden did not offer simple congratulations, but said the operation had succeeded despite Trump’s “erratic” behavior
Former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 White House hopeful, said on Monday that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a U.S. military operation despite President Trump’s “ineptitude” as commander in chief.
“I’m glad President Trump ordered the mission,” Biden said in a statement. “But as more details of the raid emerge, it’s clear that this victory was not due to Donald Trump’s leadership. It happened despite his ineptitude as commander-in-chief.” (snip)
When Trump ordered the successful operation to take out Iranian terrorist general Qasem Soleimani in December 2020, Biden and the other Democrats running for president slammed the operation, saying that it make a Middle East war more likely:
Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s assertion he ordered a drone strike on Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani to avert an “imminent attack” can’t be taken at face value because the commander in chief has “lied so much.”
In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, said of Trump, “I don’t give him the benefit of the doubt of anything.”
Should we be questioning the timing of whacking Zawahri, being so close to the mid-terms and the one year anniversary of Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan pullout? With raging inflation, it won’t make a difference.
And, same for the news media: they slammed Trump over Soleimani, who was intimately involved in the killing of American service members in Iraq, as well as terrorist operations throughout the Middle East. Nothing but kudos for taking out Zawahri. Now, imagine it was President Trump who took out Zawahri: would those articles be complementary to Trump, or say something like “Trump orders drone strike on irrelevant terrorist leader, inciting more terrorism”? Remember how they ran pieces under Bush about killing terrorists creating more terrorists?
Regardless, good job, Joe.

Actually, the world criticized the action of the US killing an Iranian official in Iraq while not at war with either. The contention that Soleimani was planning an “imminent attack” on the US was unsupported. Soleimani had previously worked WITH the US in attacking ISIL and the Taliban.
al-Bagdahdi and al-Zarahiri were al-Qaeda and ISIS leaders.
Geez, that’s a tough one.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
Biden rides a bike with drop handles and toe clips
How many posters here do the same?
While Zawahri was being sent to his God Trump was playing golf with the Saudis who financed both the Taliban and the 9/11 terrorists.
And remember it was Trump who asked the Pakistanis to let the current taliban prime Minister of Afghanistan out of jail as part of Trumps “peace process” f
The 72 virgins ?
As few of you might know Arabic writings contains no vowels.
Those letters might also be translated as 72 white rasins
“China” Joe seems to be using g his Gangdter Bitch (with her new tits!) To remind Xi that American weapons like in Ukraind are tge best on planet
Probably Vietnam Thailand Laos Cambodia Phippines might want some too