…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Trudeau’s fertilizer ban threatening to cause a food crisis.

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Trudeau’s fertilizer ban threatening to cause a food crisis.
Or a woman, obviously. :-)
An 80 yr old convenience store owner used a shotgun to wound a robber toting an AR-15 type rifle.
Shotguns are a better home (or store!) defense arm than AR-15 style rifles.
A shotgun may be superior in some situations. But, like in everything else, you don’t get it. The government has no business telling us what type of gun or weapon we can use and possess. You love for the government to micro manage your life and everyone else.
The government makes it nearly impossible to own a Thompson submachine gun. Do you support changing that?
How about land mines? Grenades?
All these would be a great help in protecting my property from right-wingers.
But you are correct that shotguns are good for some things but not others. For example, shotguns are great for bird hunting and home defense. AR-15s are great for killing lots of school kids.
Every time you go into babbling about landmines you make yourself appear very stupid. But, that is your condition. As to machine guns, why not. Most doctors I know own an MG42.
Dowd has two arguments to any subject: reductio ad absurdum (grenades and landmines) or identifying the object with the worst possible outcome (killing lots of school kids). With mind numbed leftists there is never middle ground. That’s why they can never be reasoned with. They have no capacity for compromise. They also latch on to a cause celeb and refuse to see any other reason for its occurrence.
Exactly how many times have people deployed hand grenades and land mines? How about how many times have AR-15’s been used to kill lots of school kids? The stats make the issue moot but leftists can’t admit it so they just keep going on to deprive 5 million Americans who HAVE NOT KILLED LOTS OF SCHOOL KIDS of a very useful and quality weapon for self and family defense. That’s what happens when people have closed minds.
You see, when it comes to guns, cars, jobs, taxes, sex, and everything else Dowd is the be all expert on what YOU and I should be able to do, say and own.
In fact he thinks we should own nothing and like it.
Teach sockpuppet
I want landmines to protect my property.
Teach sockpuppet: Most doctors I know own an MG42
A Nazi machine gun?