How many other states will join int?
Texas sues Biden administration over emergency abortion guidance
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration on Thursday after the Department of Health and Human Services reiterated guidance this week that says doctors are required to perform an abortion if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.
“President Biden is flagrantly disregarding the legislative and democratic process—and flouting the Supreme Court’s ruling before the ink is dry—by having his appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians must perform abortions,” the lawsuit, which names Health Secretary Xavier Becerra and other officials as defendants, says.
Becerra issued the guidance to health care providers on Monday, writing in a letter that under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, physicians “must” provide an abortion if it is the “stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve” an emergency medical condition.
What is considered an emergency? To actually save the life of the mother, or, because someone who practiced irresponsible, unprotected sex is suddenly having a sad?
Paxton said in a statement on Thursday afternoon that the administration’s interpretation is too wide and mandates “abortions under a whole new range of circumstances.”
“In addition, the Abortion Mandate conflicts with the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal dollars from being used to fund abortions except when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or the woman’s life is in danger,” the lawsuit reads.
Paxton also stated
“This administration has a hard time following the law, and now they are trying to have their appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians perform abortions,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I will ensure that President Biden will be forced to comply with the Supreme Court’s important decision concerning abortion and I will not allow him to undermine and distort existing laws to fit his administration’s unlawful agenda.”
The full suit can be seen here.

This was just “We’re Doing Something!” grandstanding on the part of the Brandon Administration, because no state prohibited abortion if necessary to save the life of the mother. After all, allowing the mother to die kills her unborn child as well.
The legal point will be setting up guidelines, to insure that life of the mother exemptions are not misused to become convenience of the mother. Her life must be in actual, physical danger of being lost, not her lifestyle being in danger, or her mental ‘well-being’ about to suffer. More, if the unborn child is developed enough to survive outside the womb, if it is necessary to deliver the child to save the mother’s life, efforts must be taken to deliver the child alive.
Documentation will be required, to prove that the abortion or early delivery was actually necessary.
The Dems are probably as happy as possible as they will be able to work the donation system and jack the poor women around with false efforts at saving their”right” to kill kids.
What government agency decides if an abortion is necessary to save the life of the woman?
The current laws are vague and make providers reluctant to work in the woman’s interest.
What happens if a provider makes a decision to save their patient but the government decides they shouldn’t have? Prison?
There are not many late term abortions for the health of the woman, although how the government(s) will monitor these is yet to be seen.
A more significant issue to address is how the government(s) will monitor early pregnancies where millions of fertilized eggs are lost each year down the toilet. Was it something the woman did? Did she take some illegal pill? How will the government(s) know she missed a menstrual period?
Maybe states can use drones to track women of childbearing age using algorithms to determine their waistlines. Maybe they can regulate tampon and pad use. Maybe mandate monthly pregnancy tests.