Monthly Archives: February 2020

Bummer: You Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Deny The Climate Crisis (scam) Anymore

Remember, you aren’t supposed to refer to those who believe in anthropogenic climate change as authoritarians and Fascists Denying climate change can no longer be a choice First and foremost, denial is about comfort. Doing as little as you have to so as not to face the consequences of change. Avoiding Conflict. Staying the course […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the UK govt refusing to release official research on the rape gangs. It’s muscle car week. My first car was like above, a 1979 Trans Am, blue, though mine was automatic, […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another awesome day in America. The birds are singing, we got to see some snow, and the Walking Dead is back tonight (oh, and if you haven’t seen Hunters on Amazon, watch it, it is great). This pinup is by Nathalic Ratner, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye […]

Russia/Putin Backed Comrade Sanders Wins Nevada, Making Him Clear Frontrunner

That’s how this works, right? Reports state (well, really, imply) that Russia is interfering in the Democrat nomination process to help Bernie Sanders, so, that means Russia and Putin helped him win, right? And that’s he’s a Russia/Putin asset, right? Sanders’ win in Nevada reinforces his front-runner status, draws more attacks from rivals Celebrating what […]

Doom Today: ‘Climate Change’ Is Coming For Your Garden

Hey, a doomsday cult always has to come up with new things that are doomed, right? The climate crisis is coming for your lovely English garden Daffodils flowering before Christmas. Roses still in bloom in January. Grapes flourishing in the home counties. Across the UK, the changing climate is upending gardening calendars. But while milder […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon skates, which would be great for Everyone Else to replace fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on vintage ads that wouldn’t be allowed today.

In New Poll, Democrats Pick Hotcoldwetdry As Their Number One Issue

If you’re thinking “huh, I guess the whole socialism, government control, government healthcare thing is not that important”, think again: the Cult of Climastrology dogma actually would require all the Big Government, authoritarian stuff that Democrats are pushing Voters Really Care About Climate Change For Democrats, climate change is now one of the two most […]

St. Greta Has A Tiny, Highly Sensitive Snail Named After Her

I wonder if the snail also tells all the other snails what to do to comply with the first snails beliefs Video: Tiny, Highly Sensitive Snail Species Named After Greta Thunberg A diminutive brown snail species has been named after Greta Thunberg, with researchers saying they named the mollusc for the Swedish climate worrier because her […]

Bummer: Report Claims Russia Is Interfering To Help Comrade Bernie

Now, good for the Washington Post and several others, who gave this story about Comrade Bernie the same front page lead article as the did with the story on Russia interfering to help Trump. Of course, the headlines tend to be a little different Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help […]

Good News: About A Quarter Of You Skeptics Are Actually Bots

Because of course they are Revealed: quarter of all tweets about climate crisis produced by bots The social media conversation over the climate crisis is being reshaped by an army of automated Twitter bots, with a new analysis finding that a quarter of all tweets about climate on an average day are produced by bots, […]

Pirate's Cove