Daily Archives: February 6, 2020

California Democrat Introduces Bill To Make Voting Mandatory

So, apparently choice on counts towards killing the unborn California lawmaker introduces bill making voting mandatory If a California lawmaker has his way, registered voters in the state will be required to participate in every election. On Tuesday, Assemblyman Marc Levine (D) introduced Assembly Bill 2070, making voting mandatory. “Democracy is not a spectator sport […]

If All You See..

…is a nation of climate refugees, requiring a big tax on the USA, you might just be a Warmist IAYS The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on California protecting child molesters.

Sea Rise Might Be Worse Than Thought Because People Are Complaining On Twitter Or Something

No, this is not the Babylon Bee "Complaining about climate change on Twitter might actually help scientists" #ClimateCult https://t.co/mNX35WhiQT — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) February 6, 2020 From the article Thanks to climate change, destructive flooding caused by hurricanes is on the rise. But so is a less dramatic, if still pernicious, type of flooding. So-called sunny-day floods, […]

ClimaScare Today: Ocean Surface Circulation Might Possibly Maybe We Think Be Increasing

Out: you driving a fossil fueled vehicle is causing the ocean circulation to shut down. In: Climate change may be speeding up ocean circulation Winds are picking up worldwide, and that is making the surface waters of the oceans swirl a bit faster, researchers report. A new analysis of the ocean’s kinetic energy, measured by […]

DHS Suspends Global Traveler, Trusted Traveler Programs For New York Over Illegal Alien Policies

One has to wonder which Democrat run states with sanctuary policies will be next. Will DHS go after California? There should be penalties for sheltering illegal aliens DHS suspends Global Entry, Trusted Traveler Programs for New York residents in response to sanctuary law Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf exclusively told Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday that […]

Pirate's Cove