You know how climate doom from Other People using fossil fueled vehicles, buy products, using air conditioning, taking showers longer than 2 minutes, etc and so on is supposed to cause sea level doom? Never mind (NoTricksZone) Accelerating sea level rise due to global warming is supposed to eat away at the shorelines across the […]
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- Jl on ‘Climate Change’ Making Things Harder On First Responders Or Something: “I smell extreme desperation….” Feb 17, 08:50
- Dana on ‘Climate Change’ Making Things Harder On First Responders Or Something: ““You can’t always see it coming,” he said, emphasizing the difficulty in preparing for such rapid changes in weather. What?…” Feb 17, 07:46
- Doom and Gloom on Interesting: Migrant Centers Empty Of New Fake Asylum Seekers: “Ann Coulter still exists. LOL. I heard her debating the communist from CNN the other day. Van Jones said the…” Feb 17, 07:39
- Doom and Gloom on If All You See…: “The biggest problem with energy independence is that the USA primarily uses heavy oil rather than light crude, which we…” Feb 17, 07:18
- Dana on Interesting: Migrant Centers Empty Of New Fake Asylum Seekers: “What? Do you mean that what our host, and conservatives in general, have been saying all along, has been correct?…” Feb 17, 06:58