Monthly Archives: June 2016

Everybody Panic! Global Warming May Be Worse In The Future Than Thought

Brought to you by the same people who’ve been proclaiming ever worsening doom and gloom, and when it doesn’t come to pass, they say it is coming much later. Oh, and the same people whose computer models have consistently failed Global warming may heat up Earth more than expected in future, predicts scientists Earth could […]

If All You See…

…is a world turned to desert because Other People refused to walk to work, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bizzy Blog, with a post on those nuts with their conspiracy theories on the creation of a single European authoritative state.

Speaking In Mogadishu, Hillary Calls Gun Control A Civil Rights Issue

And by Mogadishu, I mean Chicago. It used to be that Detroit was referred to as Mogadishu, due to all its shootings and murders and crime. I think it’s safe to move the title to Chicago Hillary Clinton Calls Gun Control A ‘Civil-Rights Issue’ In Chicago Speech Speaking in Chicago Monday, Hillary Clinton called gun […]

Democrat Platform Super Enthused To Prosecute Climate Skeptics

The Democratic Party platform is going to be a doozy of hardcore Progressivism, as one can expect (Daily Caller) Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science. A panel of Democrats […]

Post-Brexit, EU Debated The Important Issues. Like Weeds

The big shots in the European Union are renowned for getting involved in all manners of tiny issues, attempting to put their stamp of Governmental Control on just about everything. They’ve implemented controls on TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, and vacuums, among others. Recently, they were coming after tea kettles, toasters, and other small household appliances, […]

If All You See…

…is an evil rising sea because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on Leftists burning the American flag yet again.

Voters Ultimately Divided On Banning Scary Looking Guns

Despite all the caterwauling by Democrats in their quest to limit the Constitution Rights of citizens (2nd, 4th, 6th, and so on), along with their sit-in cry-fest, the American public is just not ready for their brand of gun grabbing (NBC News)  With gun policy taking center stage on Capitol Hill in the aftermath of […]

Bummer: New Hospital Would Be “Out Of Sync” With Ontario Hotcoldwetdry Plan

Warmists even have problems with hospitals that will help citizens (Windsor Star)  The farm field location selected for Windsor’s proposed mega hospital is out of sync with the province’s new Climate Change Action Plan, members of Citizens for an Accountable Mega-hospital Process said Friday. “In fact, the mega plan makes a mockery of (the action plan’s) goals,” said Philippa […]

Brexit Stands As A Warning For American Conservatives Or Something

American Conservatives have long been concerned about the porous nature of our borders and legal immigration system, as well as the notion that so many coming to this country have no intent to assimilate. Many of them, both legal and illegal, want the U.S. to change to accommodate them and their beliefs and cultures. Much […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled airplane, which Everyone Else should be restricted from using, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Coyote Blog, with a post on whether Brexit was about racism or tea kettles. It’s Brits week!

Pirate's Cove