Daily Archives: April 11, 2016

Dems Are Opening Lemonade Stand To Fight For Wage Equality Or Something

They’re so cute at this age DNC women will open a lemonade stand across the street from RNC, where women pay 79 cents and men pay $1 #EqualPayDay — Anita Kumar (@anitakumar01) April 11, 2016 Of course https://twitter.com/WilliamTeach/status/719636224500199424 There’s much more fun at Twitchy, including this gem https://twitter.com/Laura_Beth_02/status/719612325574144000 Oh, and will the DNC be paying […]

If All You See…

…is a rising sea encroaching on a carbon pollution created desert, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on protecting women and girls over making a few people feel good.

We Should Totally Be Freaking Out About Natural Climate Change Or Something

This is a new one, coming from uber-Cult of Climastrology, and very far left, site Triple Pundit Climate Change is Natural? And That Doesn’t Freak You Out? In what now appears to be a regular habit, Gallup just surveyed a thousand-odd U.S. adults on their views on climate change. Overall, 49 percent of those surveyed attributed […]

Salon: The Democratic Party Run Education System Has Led To Our “Disgraceful State Of Politics”

Salon is one of the main websites to head to when you want to see what the nutter Democratic Party base really thinks. Er, feels. Every once in a while, they unintentionally land on a real truth. In this case, how bad the education system is. Obviously, they fail to assign blame, which lands almost […]

Head Of Border Patrol Council Tells Congress Border Is Essentially Open To Mexico

You thought the border was pretty bad, did you? You thought Obama’s illegal alien executive orders were bad, did you? You probably did not think they were this bad (Washington Times) Border Patrol agents have been ordered to release dripping-wet illegal immigrants at the Rio Grande unless they actually see them climbing out of the […]

Pirate's Cove