Daily Archives: April 6, 2016

Special Snowflakes Love Free Speech, As Long As It Doesn’t Offend Them

It’s going to be quite amusing when all these college kids enter the civilian workforce and find out Things Don’t Work Like They Want Most College Students Want Free Speech On Campuses — But Not When It’s Hate Speech College students want free speech on their campuses but want their administrators to intervene when it […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on “regret equals rape”. Cubs have a 66% chance, per the Vegas lines, of making the playoffs.

$15 Minimum Wage Is A Bad Idea, Says Washington Post Editorial Board

A little bit of common sense from the Washington Post Editorial Board, though, one gets the idea that they might be a wee bit upset that this might affect their own operations soon $15 is the wrong goal for minimum-wage advocates GOVERNORS OF the nation’s most and fourth-most populous states, California and New York, respectively, […]

Cruz Wins Big In Wisconsin, Trump Takes It As You’d Expect

In Wisconsin, Cruz took 48.3% of the vote to Trump’s 35.1%, with 99% reporting. This made The Donald very upset, and had him reacting in exactly the way that has turned many off, even pushing them into the #NeverTrump camp (I’m not one of them, I’ll still put on a gas mask and vote for […]

Pirate's Cove