Daily Archives: April 4, 2016

Man With Largest Footprint In The World Tells Us What Climate Change Means For Families

If human caused climate change is so bad, why does Obama and his family contribute so much carbon pollution? FACT SHEET: What Climate Change Means for Your Health and Family Today, delivering on another commitment in the President’s Climate Action Plan, the Obama Administration released a new final report called The Impacts of Climate Change […]

If All You See…

…is a life preserver needed for when the seas suddenly rise up to swamp all the coastal cities, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bluebird Of Bitterness, with a post on reintroducing normal, well adjusted people back into society.

TG People Are Totally Winning Against The Stereotype Of “Ick Factor” Or Something

This is the kind if thing leftist wackjobs learn while getting themselves a $100,000 in debt while attending special snowflake colleges Passing Privilege, the Gender Binary, and the Productive Power of Stereotypes I’m not even going to attempt to delve into the passing privilege idiocy. Then we have gender binary, where nutjobs think that there […]

Warmists: Media’s Biggest Failure Is “Ignoring the ‘Profound Crisis’ of Climate Change”

‘Climate change’ is a subject that many may say “yes, I’m very concerned” and then jump in their fossil fueled vehicles and completely forget about this non-existent threat that has nary a bit of influence on their lives, something that has caused them problems (except for the increase in cost of living from Warmist laws […]

If Elected, Trump Says He Will Totally Be “More Presidential” Or Something

No, really, but only if elected (Breitbart ) During a town hall Sunday on Fox News Channel with GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump, Trump said that he will be “more presidential” and change his tone once he wins, but he said that does not mean he will not hit back harder if attacked first. “Tone to […]

Pirate's Cove