Daily Archives: April 20, 2016

Reason: How To Share A Bathroom With A Gender Confused Person

No one can say Reason is a liberal leaning online site, it tends to lean more libertarian and conservative, and Joshua Swain and Nick Gillespie offer an interesting, though ultra simplistic, take on sharing a bathroom with a trans person In less than half a minute and by following four simple steps, Reason TV offers […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from moo cows which create leather, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on Earth Day, comrades! Had to replace the previous photo with this one, since someone had a hissy fit. Hope it wasn’t Photobucket, considering the […]

Special Snowflake Is “Triggered” By Mural Of Flower Gun

Another day, another little snowflake looking to to make sure they can’t be hired by any decent company (Daily Caller) A student senator at Pitzer College sent an email to the entire campus this week denouncing a mural showing a handgun with flowers coming out of the barrel because, the student complained, the mural “is […]

Did You Know There’s Totally A Cheap, Proven Fix For ‘Climate Change’?

Can you guess what it is? No, it’s not all members of the Cult of Climastrology giving up their own use of fossil fuels and going carbon neutral. No, it’s not doing actual science instead of relying on doomsaying and computer models to determine how much of the current warm period is caused by nature […]

Surprise: United Health Care To Cut Most Participation In Obamacare

As it stands, there are only a handful of established health insurance companies that participate in Obamacare to start with. The co-ops are flatlining, and the tiny players created by Ocare are likewise having issues. Other big companies have dropped out, are considering dropping out, or are looking to reduce their participation. (Fox News) The […]

Pirate's Cove