Dems Are Opening Lemonade Stand To Fight For Wage Equality Or Something

They’re so cute at this age

Of course

There’s much more fun at Twitchy, including this gem

Oh, and will the DNC be paying the workers $15 an hour?

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3 Responses to “Dems Are Opening Lemonade Stand To Fight For Wage Equality Or Something”

  1. captainfish says:

    “Oh, and will the DNC be paying the workers $15 an hour?”


  2. o0Nighthawk0o says:

    What about men pretending to be women? Do they pay the .79 or the 1.00?

  3. Hank_M says:

    You can always count on democrats to make a big deal out of trivial or non-existent issues.

    That allows them to keep their heads buried who-knows-where and avoid their dismal failures.

Pirate's Cove