Monthly Archives: July 2015

Hillary Clinton Says We Totally Need To Reinvent Capitalism

Interestingly, not to solve “climate change”. She just wants to blow up capitalism overall. Now that she got her big pay day (The Blaze) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said capitalism must be “reinvented” during an economic address where she condemned the pursuit of short-term profits at the expense of long-term prosperity. Delivering remarks at […]

California To Target Group Who Shot Planned Parenthood Videos

No announcement as to whether Planned Parenthood will be reviewed. This is an AP article, but, amazingly, it is in the health and fitness section of ABC7 in Los Angeles (obviously, the article is at lots of other news outlets) CALIFORNIA TO REVIEW VIDEO TARGETING PLANNED PARENTHOOD California Attorney General Kamala Harris said Friday that […]

Things Named After Robert Byrd Are Instruments Of Racial Terror

And this is all thanks to Democrats. So says the Brent Staples in a NY Times op-ed Confederate Memorials as Instruments of Racial Terror The Confederate-flag-waving white supremacist charged with murdering nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church in June demolished the fiction that the flag was an innocuous symbol of “Southern pride.” This barbaric […]

The Link Between Climate Change And ISIS Is Totes Real, You Guys!

Obviously, there is zero link between the rise of ISIS and Islam. Because that would be silly (Think Progress) Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley linked climate change to the rise of ISIS earlier this week. Conservatives pounced. Score this round for O’Malley. For three years now, leading security and climate experts — and Syrians themselves […]

If All You See…

…is a sea rising from evil carbon pollution, like from beer, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on the far screwing reach of Dodd-Frank.

Bummer: Arctic Climate Expedition Blocked By Heavy Ice

So sad….oh, wait, right, heavy ice is now also caused by man-induced climate change (via Newsbusters) (CBC) A carefully planned, 115-day scientific expedition on board the floating research vessel, the CCGS Amundsen, has been derailed as the icebreaker was called to help resupply ships navigate heavy ice in Hudson Bay. “Obviously it has a large […]

Man Surrounded By People Carrying Guns Bummed He Can’t Take Guns Away From Law Abiding Citizens

It’s his biggest frustration Obama admits US gun laws are his ‘biggest frustration President Barack Obama has admitted that his failure to pass “common sense gun safety laws” in the US is the greatest frustration of his presidency. In an interview with the BBC, Mr Obama said it was “distressing” not to have made progress […]

Democrats Remove Jefferson, Jackson From Fundraising Name

This is how silly Democrats are getting….yes, I know, Democrats are always silly (ctpost) Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are history in Connecticut. Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery. Party leaders voted unanimously […]

Salon Offers “Terrifying” News On Sea Rise

No, really. This is a bit of a follow up to the previous post on sea rise. Which is terrifying! The scientist who put global warming on the map has terrifying news about sea level rise A new study from James Hansen warns we could see up to 10 feet of sea level rise by […]

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution infused beer causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Capitalism Is Freedom, with a post on hipsters running around having sex in public, ruining summer vacations spots.

Pirate's Cove