Monthly Archives: December 2014

LA Times Wonders If Resident Non-citizens Should Be Able To Vote

What, exactly, is the end game for the Democrat push for “comprehensive immigration reform”? What about Obama’s executive action giving illegals legal status? Is it about compassion? About doing “the right thing”? Many, including myself, have noted that the ultimate end game is to grant these folks voting rights, creating yet another boxed Democrat voting […]

Former Assistant FBI Director Places Partial Blame For NYPD Shooting On “Race Provocateurs”

Whenever a big shooting happens, Liberals love to assign blame, typically on race or Republicans/Republican policies. Or both. Not long afterwards, we find out that the incident had nothing to do with either, and often we find that the perpetrator is actually a Leftist or the incident had nothing to do with politics. Though, of […]

To Save Australia From Hotcoldwetdry, We Need To Kill All The Rabbits

Recently, we learned that beavers and ground squirrels are Bad for “climate change”. The obvious solution is to kill them in order to reduce nature caused changes to the climate. Now, myself and Jo Nova are being facetious. Not so for some Warmists when it comes to rabbits in Australia The rabbits of Christmas past: […]

If All You See…

…is a deer representing the next great extinction due to warming, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on reaching out to the police community.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America, only a few days away from Christmas. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 The Other McCain discusses feminists new enemies, “rape truthers” Raised On Hoecakes finds one thing that gets a teacher […]

Two NYPD Cops Killed Execution Style In Revenge For Death Of Eric Garner

This is what happens when Typical Leftist Agitators whip the Leftist base into a frenzy, which causes them to forget that they are anti-gun and anti-violence (NY Post) Two uniformed NYPD officers were shot dead Saturday afternoon as they sat in their marked police car on a Brooklyn street corner — in what investigators believe […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible festival of consumerism which contributes to massively rising temperatures sometime in the future, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post noting that “Dreamers” cost NC $1 billion a year.

Grist Provides More Climate Change Christmas Carols

And they are as depressing and insane as you’d expect from a cult fascinated with doom, who love using special occasions as a means to spread their cult in a manner more annoying than a Jehovah’s Witness badgering you at the airport We wrote (and sang!) these climate apocalypse holiday carols just for you Getting […]

$10 Billion U.N. Climate Change Fund Wants Immunity From Prosecution

Why would they need this? (Fox News) The Green Climate Fund, (GCF) a United Nations-affiliated piggy-bank  intended to finance climate change projects around the world, is determined to win sweeping U.N.-style immunities from prosecutions for its global operations–even though  the U.S., its biggest contributor, opposes the idea, and the U.N. itself says its own diplomatic […]

GWU Students Thrilled To Sign Petition To Exchange One American For Each Illegal Alien

This is an idea I’ve mentioned at least once or twice back in the archives, and a few times on Twitter. Of course, when I brought it up it was strictly in the sense of specifically exchanging Democrats for illegals (Campus Reform) Students at George Washington University (GWU) willingly signed a petition supporting the deportation […]

Pirate's Cove