Remember, this is the guy who has a good shot at being the 2016 Republican presidential candidate, someone the GOP insiders, and liberal media, supports
(CNN) Flanked by Hispanic leaders, students, and immigration reform advocates, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie celebrated the signing of his state’s so-called DREAM Act on Tuesday, hailing the new law a sound economic choice and an object lesson in bipartisan cooperation.
“We know that when we bring people together, when we work together despite some of our differences, that we also set an example of optimism for every one of the 8.9 million people who live here,” Christie said at a signing event in Union City, a Hispanic stronghold just across the Hudson River from Manhattan.
“Unlike what happens in Washington, that government can actually work for you,” he added. “That things can actually get done, that agreements can be reached, and that commitments can be kept.”
The bill grants in-state college tuition rates to undocumented high school graduates who attended a New Jersey high school for at least three years.
Well, it seems to work for people who shouldn’t actually be in Los Estados Unidos, much less New Jersey. Getting things done for the sake of getting things done, especially when it doesn’t actually help the citizens of the State, is meaningless. And this costs the taxpayers of NJ money.
“Our job, I believe, as a government, is to give every one of these children who we have already invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in, an opportunity to maximize the investment for their benefit, for the benefit of their families, for the benefit of our state and the country,” Christie said.
There you go. Money that could have been spent on the legal citizens of New Jersey.
“Even if you’re cold-hearted about this, you can agree with the common sense of the economics: An investment made should be an investment maximized,” he said.
Or, we could make a one-time investment in deportation. We could tell them that breaking our laws is unacceptable, rather than rewarding the behavior. And Christie has just told those who are against illegal immigration that they’re cold-hearted, mean people. Feeling better about 2016?
Crossed at Right Wing News

The Pirate: Or, we could make a one-time investment in deportation. We could tell them that breaking our laws is unacceptable, rather than rewarding the behavior. And Christie has just told those who are against illegal immigration that they’re cold-hearted, mean people. Feeling better about 2016?
Do you on the far,far extreme-right really think you can ever have your own President? Bummer, but the nation and the world are leaving you behind. Gay marriage, immigration, entitlements etc. Your only hope is in continued and expanded voter suppression and gerrymandering to elect extreme Reps and block legislation in the House. The far-right’s hatred of Blacks, Muslims, foreigners, non-Christians, gays – anyone except white, straight Christians is your downfall. You can bang your heads against the wall, revolt, or accept reality, adjust and compromise and change what you can.
Christy? Nope, nope, no no no no nope, nopey, nopey-nope. no-no-no-no-nada, nopes nopey nope.
We’re done with RINO democrats who only ever insist on more socialism and anti-US destructive policies. You want to see the GOP party collapse like a zombie Dodo? bring on another wimp like McConnell or Christy.
Jeffery, you’re a parody of yourself. If there was an argument in your whine against deportation, or Christie’s views, you didn’t make one. Instead, when one can’t argue a point, they call those who disagree with their views names, as in “haters”, which you did, and make un-substantiated and un-documented over-generalizations of those who disagree with you, which you did (“voter suppression and gerrymandering to elect extreme reps”). Those are both intellectually lazy ways of trying to end a debate, not have one. Data, please, on your “assertions”. Kids in an 8th grade debate class could do better than that. And I love the “far, far extreme right…” What’s the difference between far right and far, far right? . Reminds me of two third-graders arguing on the playground- “you’re the meanest, meanest person in the world!” By adding the second “meanest”, he thinks he won the day. Recognize yourself?
Your comment is so childish and insipid that I’m humbled to admit I cannot begin to develop a worthwhile response to put forth. Then again, there wouldn’t be a constructive point to attempt to do so. You, like so many, are among the latest growing group I will identify as a “Neo-Zombie”. We, among the living,are joyfully anticipating the day indoctrinated lemmings that share your philosophy are escorted to the Fema camps which are being prepared for such as you. May god bless you and keep you.