The previous record low was 15F set in 1988, per NOAA
(Raleigh N&O) The coldest weather Tuesday morning was found at North Carolina’s highest point, where Mount Mitchell reported a low of minus 24. Grandfather Mountain fell to minus 17, while Boone dipped to 8 below zero.
Asheville reported a low of minus 1, which broke a record for the day set in 1879. The airport in Greensboro set a record with a low of 5 degrees, Charlotte’s airport set a record low at 8 degrees and Raleigh’s airport also reach a record low at 9 degrees.
Somehow, this is supposed to be proof, proof I tell you!!!!!!1!!! of global warming, er, climate change, er, extreme weather. Seriously. That’s what the Climate Astrologers are telling us. The Asheville record stood for 135 years. The previous record low max temperature for Raleigh was 21, 1988. We only missed that mark by 2-3 degrees.
Anthony Watts notes that there have been 462 cold records to 105 warm records so far this year.
As always, let me point out that this is not climate, and doesn’t prove or disprove anything. However, climate astrologers were reading their tea leaves computer models and telling us this shouldn’t happen anymore just a few years ago, before Mother Nature laughed at said computer models, at which point Warmists had to dig for all sorts of fanciful explanations.

Wow! Great find. Head to Stockholm to collect your prize. It got cold in winter!!
More temperature records…
J now admits that cold season gets cold, thus the climate changes. Guess we’ll hear him retract his “heat wave = deadly global warming” diatribes.
From WUWT:
Please educate yourself and read up on “weather” and “climate”.
So babbles the idiot troll who makes nonsensical ramblings.