What this is most likely about is the Buckyballs inventor telling the feds to piss off when they first came after him, and the feds do not like it when peon citizens fail to comply
(Washington Post) The tiny, shiny magnets known as Buckyballs have always been a lot more powerful than they look, and now they are at the center of a high-stakes legal dispute over whether the government can hold a busiÂness owner personally liable for a consumer recall.
New York entrepreneur Craig Zucker thought he had the most successful venture of his young career when he developed the desk toy in 2009, consisting of pellets that can be twisted and stacked into infinite shapes. (Snip)
But Zucker dissolved his business in December 2012, so the commission took the unusual step of filing a lawsuit to hold him personally responsible for a potential recall that could cost up to $57 million, assuming every buyer of the desk toys claims reimbursement. Zen Magnets and Star Networks USA, which sell similar products, were also named as defendants.
Can someone please tell me how many products are out there that kids can easily obtain and swallow, like, say, marijuana? How about alcohol? Los Federales say that kids can swallow the magnets. Kids can swallow anything, and do. This sounds more like retaliation.

This certainly appears to be a case of the government going after the Buckyballs owner after he refused to bow down to the government’s demands.
The number of Buckyballs units sold is not known, but it is believed to be in the hundreds of thousands. Of all those sales, something like less than 10 incidents of Buckyballs being swallowed were recorded.
Zucker, along with the fine folks at Cause of Action, have filed a suit against the Feds arguing, amonst other things, the CPSC violated the owner’s right of free speech.
To help pay for the fight, Zucker started a campaign called “United We Ball” selling “LibertyBalls.”
The CPSC, like many government regulatory agencies, is out of control and does not answer to the citizens of the country or in many cases, Congress.
There are a LOT of people supporting Zucker and hoping that he wins big against the CPSC.
Poor article.
The decision to sue was made by people. You should have found their names, investigated them, published their names, shamed them, humiliated them and let us all try to get them fired as obviously unfit to hold their offices.
The left does, the left wins, let’s try and stop being gutless losers, ok?
By chance is the commission going to hold the Treasury liable for minting all those coins that could be and are swallowed? Let the government feed on its own brethren.
Dude, you made me swallow the tip of my pen. As I was working to get that out, I accidentally inhaled the button from my shirt. As I fell to the ground, the eraser from my mechanical pencil popped off and went up my nostril and suffocated me again.
As i lay gasping on the floor, I noticed my lost SDHC memory cards laying there under the desk. My gasping and flailing caused those small memory cards to fly up and into my eyes, scratching my eyes out, blinding me. They then fell down in to my mouth and slipped deep in to my throat slicing my esophagus down to my anus.
I only managed to survive by grabbing some bucky-balls and using the magnetics to pull the SDHC cards out of my body cavity.
They are my heroes.
There are specxific breeds lower susceptiblpe to chocolate however nsver give your dog chocolate bby choice.
Often descried as “a large dog in the body of a small dog,” it is similar tto the Norwegian Buhund and related to moddrn Welshi Corgis
as well ass Shetland Sheepdogs. Somehow having their own space eases the separation anxiety
tnat moat dogs experience.