Do they think people are this stupid, or are they just this brainwashed? Witness Salon’s…well, that’s weird, no one was willing to put their name to this fable
Blizzards in May. Wild fires. Is this global warming?
Sandy has been followed by massive spring snowfalls. Here’s what to look for as our climate-change awareness grows
And here’s Salon’s handy dandy view of what global warming looks like
Cult, anyone?
From that point on, the excerpted article from Climate Central fails to mention anything to support either the headline or the sub-header. But, just the very fact that Salon would link spring snow with greenhouse gases is pure cultish fervor.
We are further treated to a whole bunch of “we don’t knows” regarding the possible effects of “climate change” due to CO2 with a smattering of “trust us'”. And that now we won’t see more hurricanes, but they’ll be more powerful (except for the pesky fact that there have been no major landfalling US hurricanes since late 2005, and only one barely a hurricane (if it was) hurricanes since 2008. Plus doom, gloom, and things that might maybe possibly happen. Like freaking snow in spring, I guess. Because Warmists are unclear of the concept that greenhouse gases trap solar rays and make it warmer.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

When I think of the earth boiling due to catastrophic global melting, this is the picture I think of.