At least until the Warmists figure out a way to blame the next ice age on someone charging their iPhone
(BBC) Human emissions of carbon dioxide will defer the next Ice Age, say scientists.
The last Ice Age ended about 11,500 years ago, and when the next one should begin has not been entirely clear.
Researchers used data on the Earth’s orbit and other things to find the historical warm interglacial period that looks most like the current one.
In the journal Nature Geoscience, they write that the next Ice Age would begin within 1,500 years – but emissions have been so high that it will not.
I don’t think it’s realistic to think that we’ll see the next glaciation on the [natural] timescaleâ€
“At current levels of CO2, even if emissions stopped now we’d probably have a long interglacial duration determined by whatever long-term processes could kick in and bring [atmospheric] CO2 down,” said Luke Skinner from Cambridge University.
OK, so they have no idea when the next glacial period would have started, but, fortunately they can tell us that it will be postponed. Science!
BTW, doesn’t a warm period sound a lot better than mile high glaciers rolling on down to Manhattan?

Every burnout you do in your Hemi Challenger sets it back five years lol
So, that’s a GOOD thing. Isn’t it?
[…] we should be talking about tax credits for the biggest carbon spewers.Hot Air, Pundit Press and The Pirate’s Cove have more.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]
“BTW, doesn’t a warm period sound a lot better than mile high glaciers rolling on down to Manhattan?”
The “warm period” alternative includes Manhattan and most coastal areas being under water.
They are so fuking stupid.
Increasing co2 saturates the oceans……oceans currents change patterns….fresh water pours into the ocean sending warm water deeper….currents change and move southward bringing on freezing northern hemisphere glaciation.
This has all been documented and in fact they have been able to determine that this actually occurred in a matter of a couple hundered years….not 1000’s or 10’s of thousands.
Are greatest challenge is global cooling….not warming………co2 simply is the catalyst that triggers the mechanism…